//Help ya damn nerd//

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(katsuki's POV)

I feel like I and Kirishima have become closer, but I'm not sure. and I need advice since Kirishima asked me to go with him to the arcade. so I'm gonna ask.....

"oi, deku open the door." I heard muffle and a loud bang noise. I rolled my eyes 'damn nerd, ya never change do'ya.' then a small male with messy green hair opened the door and had a nervous smile on his face. he opened the door wider and told me to come in. I walked in and I looked around.

"I'm impressed."

deku: "uh, why kacchan?" I looked around.

kacchan: "I thought you would have the whole damn room with all might posters. or some damn fanboy stuff. like you had in your room."

deku: "so you actually remember my room kacchan." I chuckle.

kacchan: "of course damn deku, your room was literally just all might." we looked at each other then started laughing. I took a seat on his bed and he took a seat on his chair. we were quiet for a second. until deku spoke first.

deku: "so what is it?" I looked at him, he really knows me well.

kacchan; "I need advice. since Kirishima asked me to go with him to the arcade. and I don't know what to do."

(Izuku's POV)

ah....for a second there I thought kacchan came to hang out with me. for god's sake, Izuku stops lying to you. he was here to ask about Kirishima. since he likes Kirishima. and not you. I got my hopes up. I'm so stupid. but this is my fault. since I asked kacchan to become friends with me and I would help him.

well, I gotta suck it in.

deku: "you want to become closer to him, right?" he looked at me and down at his feet and nodded. I want to shout.

deku: "then...then you just need to say yes let's go and try to flirt with him."

kacchan: "how do I flirt with him?"

deku: "um well you...say-"


we both turned to my door and looked at it for a moment. I was like, thank the god for the angel that knew I was in danger.

I quickly stood up and so did kacchan. he grabbed my hand and said.

"I will come by another time so be prepared to teach me how to fuckings flirt. ok?" I gulped and shyly nodded. my hand was burning up. his arm was so strong and big, I could feel it.

I shook my head and quickly remembered that there was someone knocking on the door.

I opened the door and there stood todoroki. he asked if he could come in and I nodded. then out of the back kacchan came. todoroki looked confused about why kacchan was here but didn't ask. he just growled at him for some reasons. I could see that kacchan gave todoroki a glare before walking out. when todoroki walked in and closed the door behind him I breath out, in relief.

I told todoroki to come in. and he did. I was hoping he wouldn't ask me about kacchan, but what was I expecting.

todoroki: "so, do you want to explain why bakugo was in your room or?" I started fake laughing and rub my back neck. he still had that look on his face. like you don't trick me. spill it out.

I can't believe my feelings {Bakudeku]Where stories live. Discover now