//Camp trip part-1//

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ok, so I have a question. I want to change the title on the story, should I? I wanted to change it to 'My feelings for you' or should I keep the original. but at the same time, I feel like that title is already used and I don't want to copy and titles.


"Huh, what are you talking about?" 

"I saw how close you and midoriya was on the bus. is there something going on between you and midoriya?" I blinked a few times to prosses what he was saying. 

"wow, hold on for a second there. you think there is something going on between me and....deku?" he hesitated but nodded. 

I walked closer to him and used my finger to lift his head up so that he would face me. 

"hey baby, there is nothing going on with me and deku." 


"yea, promise." he leaned in and kissed me and I did the same. we walked back to the others since we still had to hear what Aizawa sensei had to say. I looked around and saw that Icy-hot was standing behind deku and had his arms around his waist while he had was resting on deku's shoulder. while deku was stroking Icy-hot's arms.  I rolled my eyes and looked in the other direction. 

Aizawa sensei: "we will be staying here for five days. and it won't be a summer vacation where you can chill and hang out with friends and all. no this will be training to death. I want to see you guys train like you never have before, is that clear." 

class 1-A: "yes, Aizawa sensei." 

Aizawa sensei: "ok so the girls will be on the second floor while the boys will stay on the first floor. today will you guys be walking up the mountain until it darkens and then the first one to come down will be getting a price." everyone got so fucking excited it was annoying. I looked over at deku and his 'boyfriend.' to see deku with the usual excitement he laughed and talked about something, and smiled like he always doses. I looked away when I saw that deku looked over here. our eyes meet for a second before I grunted and looked away. 

Kirishima: "kat, let's go." I looked at him grabbing my arm before dragging me with him. 

"coming, I'm coming." when we picked our room we laid our things in the corner, I laid down on the bed. while Kirishima looked around. 

"We got to leave kat, we're supposed to meet the others to walk up the mountain." 

"fine." we both walked out and at the same time. 

"ah. hi, kacchan hey Kirishima. seems like we're neighbours. hehe." I looked and saw that deku and that Icy-hot bastard walked out of the room that was right in front of ours. 

Kirishima: "wow what a coincidence. shall we all go." 

deku: "yea, let's go." it was fucking awkward to walk out. nobody said a word. when we all were there. we started walking up with all the others in the class. 

I, deku, Icy-hot and Kirishima was some of them in the lead. 

"hey, sho-chan look at the sunset. isn't it pretty." 

"Nah I have seen something prettier." 

"huh like, what? what could be possible as beautiful as a sunset." 

"you." ah fuck this damn smooth talker. damn bastard. and stop with the fucking sho-chan shit, that's really annoying. 

I looked over at deku to see him blush like crazy. 

"aw, sho-chan." he went and hugged him before giving him a kiss on the lips. 

I rolled my eyes and started walking harder up. so that we could be quickly done. 

when we arrived at the top of the mountain Aizawa was meeting us there. 

Aizawa sensei: "so the four of you is the first one here." we all nodded. 

just wait over there until the rest gets up here. we all nodded again and did as we were told. 

when the others arrived too. Aizawa told us that we would be split up in partners and the first time to make it down would apparently win a price or some shit. 

while the last team would have to clean up at the ground before going to bed. and it was already 11.pm. 

Aizawa sensei: "your partner is the one you were sitting with, in the bus drive."

those that mean I am gonna do this with deku. I looked over at deku to see him making eye contact with me too. we both looked away at the same time. 

Aizawa sensei: "get to your partner and get ready." I slowly walked up to deku. 

"looks like we're partners kacchan." there it is that damn smile. stop making me all tingling inside stupid deku. 

"y-yea, I guess we are." 

I have gotten a perfect idea. hehe, can't wait for the good stuff. people it's not long before the drama will start and you guys will gasp and scream in satisfaction. 

hehe, no but it's soon. 

I can't believe my feelings {Bakudeku]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora