//It was a mistake//

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(Katsuki's POV)

Kirishima hasn't spoken in hours. I have tried speaking but he won't listen. 

"hey Kiri, it was a mistake I didn't mean to say that." 

"please talk to me." 

"come on EI. it's already morning the others are probably already out and getting ready." he looked at me then away again. I sighed. 

"I knew it, your cheating on me with Midoriya." 

"WHAT, no I'm not. it was a mistake, I didn't mean to say that. please forgive me." 

"then whenever I see you I always see you watching midoriya, and I always see you talking with him. you think I'm stupid or something, huh." 

"that's not what I'm saying. I am saying that you're mistaken. deku only helps me. ok. he is my friend." he looked at me deep in the eye.

"you don't say a friends' name while having sex with your boyfriend. I don't give a fuck in what you're saying, you damn liar." 

"Kirishima I promise there is nothing between me and deku. "

"then tell me bakugo. why did you say deku when we had sex? why was he on your fucking mind when you were with me. don't tell me you like him'?" 

"what....n-no that-" his eyes widened. 

"you do, you have feelings for midoriya." no, no deku is just a friend. I don't like....him. 

"I-I don't know. I don't know lately I have been having weird dreams about deku." 

"what dreams. what kind of dreams?" 

"we....um we were having...um sex." 

"omg. you had a lewd dream about another man. I can't...I can't believe this. why did you become my boyfriend if you like him then?"    


Kirishima looked outside the window. 

"This is all his fault." he walked away, stormed out off the room. I sighed. and growled. 

"I wasn't supposed to say his name."  I looked outside the window. my eyes widened. 

Kirishima ran up to deku. and punched him. 

shit. are you insane? 

I ran out of the room

(Izuku's POV)

I was laying on sho-chan's chest. I started to stretch my arms. and stood up. only to be limping. since I forgot about my leg. 

I hissed in pain. 

"are you ok izu?" I looked to my side to see sho-chan standing up with me and holding me by the hand that is ok. I smiled at him. 

"y-yea I'm fine. just forgot to be careful." he chuckles. looks like the others already are up. 

"yea, you should go down there." he nodded.

"can you handle yourself alone just for a little while."

"of course go, don't let Aizawa sensei wait." he nodded and hurried out. I looked outside. 

I can just watch them that should be ok. 

I slowly walked out not trying to get my weight on the hurt leg. and walked down. it hurts but I'll manage it. 

when I was down, I walked up to the others. 

"hey uraraka." she turned and faced me, she smiled. 

Uraraka: "hey deku-kun, are you feeling better?" I nodded. 

deku: "what are you guys gonna do?" she pointed at the cliff. 

Uraraka: "We are gonna practise getting people out of the water after cliff jumping from a big hight." 

deku: "wow sounds amazing." she giggled before looking at me again. 

deku: "but have you seen sho-chan?" she looked around as well as me. 

Uraraka: "he was here for a second, but I think he got a call from his dad or something." I chuckle. 

"yea sounds about right." I hissed in pain feeling the burn in my arm. 

"are you ok deku-kun?"

deku: "yes, yes. Im fine."  

"deku-kun I got to go, Aizawa sensei is calling on us." I nodded. I stood and looked around. until. 

"oh hey Kirishima, good morning." I smiled. 

"you bastard." I was confused until I felt something. 


"did you just punch me?" he got ready to punch me again. but I backed off. falling on my knee. 

I growled in pain from my leg and arm. 

"I knew something was off with you and Bakugo. you damn bastard."

"wow, hold on Kirishima what are you talking about?" he laughed clearly still pissed. 

"stop lying. I know you have been sleeping with my boyfriend." 

"HUh, are you crazy, I have a boyfriend why would I cheat?" 

"Just shut up." the next thing I knew I got flying back my his kick. shit. I can't feel the ground. why am I still falling? I looked down to see  I was falling down the cliff. 

"This is gonna hurt." 


fuck I'm not as happy with this chapter, I was imagining it going differently but oh well maybe I'll change it later on.

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