Abyssal and Perfection Cults in one day!

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The trio went into the next route and split up. Pink found a nice place in the shade and let her Charmander out.

"There you go, Skully. Run around a bit." It squealed as it went to find a good spot to train. She smiled as she sat down and thought about what Lime and Forest had told her.

"Your eyes changed."

"That happened in Telnor Town and Telnor Cave. It was a different kind... but it was the same effect."

She frowned upon the last one. Different kind? Did he mean in the cave? She pulled out a small notebook that Forest's stepmom let her have. She remembered what Lime had shown her and drew the two eyes. She marked some things before something tapped her. She turned to see Skully pointing at something. Three Abyssal cultists were headed somewhere. She looked around. Three more cultists were on the bridge to the next town. Lime was training nearby, obviously not seeing the cultists. Pink stood up and with Skully at her feet, ran to where she saw the cultists go. She arrived at an old ruins. Lime appeared next to her and the two girls ran inside. They immediately noticed the cultists at the back. My eyes must've changed, because Lime was slipping her phone back into her pocket. Pink didn't remember her taking it out, but that didn't matter. They ran over to the cultists. They were bullying a poor Riolu. Pink snarled.

"Leaving it alone!" She yelled, Skully racing at one. He smirked as him and another one sent out their pokemon. Lime joined in. With a few quick movements, the girls defeated them. The last one was about to grab the Riolu when it's mom came and scared the cultists off by mega-evolving. The girls left and raced to Suntouched City. When they to the center, they healed their pokemon and then split. Lime showed Pink picture of her eyes in the ruins before they split.


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"Thanks." Pink headed to the gym. She made sure to mark the eyes in her notebook. Skully led the way to the gym. When they got there, all of the lights turned on, revealing a small gym leader.

"Hey! Are you here for the gym?" She nodded

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"Hey! Are you here for the gym?" She nodded. "My name is Orion." He turned to a white rock that was next to him. "Wish me luck, Reshi" Pink was surprised. Orion smiled and sent out his pokemon. Pink did the same.

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