The year is 1643

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Past life:

The year is 1643.

Life has been hard. My family and i live in our mansion. The town people call it a castle but they are uncultured. My name is Chris Motionless. I am the eldest son of the Cerulli family. We are a family of vampires. We have been hunted since before I was born.

We may have accidentally sent the town folks in to a panic. One of us was seem outside of our borders. Well guess what it was me. I have been studying the ways of these people for the last hundred years. I have seen almost all of these people grow from the start. And i made a forbidden friend. His name is Legacy. The only problem is that his father is a huge vampire killer.

I decided to sneak out of the house under mothers will. I wanted to see my dear friend legacy. We planned a meeting right at the end of the human and monster territory. That was a huge mistake. Someone had followed legacy to where out hid out was. They were dressed in black cloths not any skin visible.

They had a wooden stake and they were gonna strike legacy to kill him but i managed to push him away, taking the hit instead. It didn't hit me in my heart but it did hit me in my shoulder and collarbone area. But me being the bad person i am, did what I haven't done in a while. I took the person and drained him of his blood leaving his lifeless body to fall on the floor.

As soon as I did that legacy ran out screaming which caused the humans to come running. I fled to the house as a group of folks came with fire and pitchforks. I ran into the main entrance and I see my parents standing there. They found out i had left and now they will kill me if the town people don't first.

The town people came and attacked out mansion making sure not one of us will get out. They lit stacks of hay on fire and placed them all around the place. My family and we're gonna die and it would be all my fault. The building was ignited in flames very fast. I managed to escape with my younger sister and brother. My parents were trapped in there. I tried to get them out but i couldn't save them.

After escaping I ran to the nearest mountain. It had a perfect view of the mansion and the town. I've lived her all my life and now its gone. We waited a few days to make sure we were not hunted. Few days later our house was nothing but a bunch of ruble. The town folks got what they wanted. After we knew it was safe to leave i see legacy run to the front entrance of what is left if the mansion. He crouched down at the arch that was left, He leaves a piece of paper and get up and ran back to town. I go to where he was and grab a piece of paper.

The fragile paper read" I'm sorry Chris this is my fault, please don't ever forget me. I hope that we meet in another life" signed Legacy at the bottom. All what i had is now gone. 

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