A Sudden Visit From Another Universe?! Kuzuku's Sudden Illness!

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(The Very Next Morning After The Night Of The Tournament.....)

With the completion of the Tournament of Power, the night could only be described as short and heart warming. With Goku and his friends, they merely congratulated them and talked about the more grueling scenarios of the tournament while the hero of Earth's wife was merely concerned for his well-being since she got to see what Goku has to deal with in the front hand. She had to admit, the only real time she's ever got to examine how dangerous these fights can be was back when she watched the fight against Piccolo and that was nothing but a fly compared to literally everything that has transpired. All in all, she now gained a slight understanding on why Goku's duty was to protect the Earth and how important his training was, though, she didn't admit it out loud. Kuzuku's friends huddled around him while 21 was holding him up so he could at least talk face to face with them. On the way home, his legs kinda gave out on him which was not surprising in the slightest. They congratulated him as well, talking about how amazing it was watching him fight while Zugo and Riley spent quality time in embrace. As for Frieza, he literally flew off into space immediately after they landed since he couldn't stand the company much longer. Even though it was short as they felt that everyone needed to head home for a well deserved rest.

For now, the sun was rising and emitting it's daunting light upon the sleepy world. Everything seemed serene and peaceful as birds were chirping, the stream seemingly cool and calm while the squirrels were huddled together. It was quite the feeling in all honesty and in one particular home was two sleeping figures embraced onto one another. The light slipped through the window, thin and dim as it touched upon the corner of their bed. Though, the added heat seemed to cause one of them to stir in her sleep until she finally opened her eyes groggily. Seeing how it was morning, 21 rose slowly to try and adjust her eyes to her surroundings. She blinked a few times and knew that her auburn hair was probably messy so she needed to tend to it before she started her day. As she prepared herself mentally, 21 caught Kuzuku's sleeping form from the corner of her eye and smiled. He was wrapped in bandages, his head buried in a pillow as he was knocked out cold. She couldn't help but marvel at the sight of watching him during the tournament. She must admit, she did enjoy the display and was actually proud of him for making it to the end which she could assume was her partial Saiyan attributes causing her to feel that way despite her also being vividly concerned throughout the ordeal. Though, those thoughts didn't. The majin scientist decided to put those thoughts away since it didn't matter now and leaned in to plant a kiss on her husband's forehead, whispering, "Sleep peacefully, my big strong teddy....".

With that said, she got out of the bed and headed into the bathroom to freshen up before Kuzuku could wake up. She took a quick 20 minute shower and made sure to brush her hair before putting on her signature lab coat and sweater before heading to the kitchen to begin making breakfast. The majin decided to make it an extra special breakfast considering that her husband was probably more exhausted than ever. It didn't help that there were no more senzu beans to which she wonders who keeps using them all which was the reason as to why she had to treat Kuzuku's injuries herself. In speeds nearly comparable to Chi Chi's culinary arts, 21 managed to finish making a mass-Saiyan style breakfast with sweets on the side. She placed her hands on her hips, admiring her work as everything was seated perfectly for a nice morning between the two. All that was left was to wake her sleeping beauty from his slumber. She giggled to herself at that thought and motioned her way back into the bedroom, opening the door slowly as she crept towards his side of the bed. She hovered over him as he turned onto his back, exposing his complete facial features that actually surprised her. From what was supposed to be a good morning kiss on the lips turned into a state of worry.

"That doesn't look good...." 21 muttered fearfully. Kuzuku's body was drenched in sweat and his breathing was practically stagnant at the moment along with his face displaying a visible flush to it while certain parts of his body was visibly sore for some odd reason, even the parts she already healed. He groaned a bit in his sleep as his wife struggled to deduce what was going on. Inevitably, he woke up, his eyes fluttering until he caught a glimpse of 21's worried face.

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