Chapter23. Awake

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I'm getting upset day by day. I cry every night. I break down most of the time and sometimes I even cut myself yet no one notice that.

I smiles and laugh at school. I act like a normal person and I'm fine but deep inside, I just wanna be gone until I'm getting better.

Those bad things keeps going on and I keeps pretending I'm fucking okay........

My insomnia comes back. My depression comes back. I try to avoid them but it seems doesn't work at all. That's why I can't help but let them be.

I begin to talk less, sleep less, eat less, everything also less.

Others can hate me, but my love ones also do the same to me. They didn't say it, but I can feels it.

Lixie, Sungie, Woojinnie hyung, Channie hyung, Wonpil hyung, Dowon hyung, Jeongin, Yuta hyung and my Jisoonie did come and ask me. But I just push them away and again, lying to them that I'm fine, I'm okay, I'm just tired.

Maybe they don't wanna push me, so they didn't ask me. But at least they try their best to make me smile, right....?

Isn't that I don't trust them, no I trust them more than anything. But I know they can't help my problems. Just like myself. If I can't get over them, how come the others help me by that.....?

That's why I smiles when they're around me. Don't get me wrong, I'm not happy, I just force myself to do so. Maybe, yes, I did feels happy at that moment, but once I'm alone, I feels empty again.

End of school


I walks to the rooftop to get some fresh air. Jennie being a bitch recently. Is she cheating on me? Why do I feels like she's dating someone.......?


" Babe, wanna hang out after school?" I asked but she's smiling at her stupid phone.

" Babe, I'm talking to you......" I whined but still no respond. " Babe!" and now she looked at me annoyed.

" What Hyunjin?!" 

"Really?! Call me Hyunjin instead of babe or Jinnie?"

" Babe, I'm sorry ok..."

" Then tell me why are you smiling at your phone when I'm talking to you? Who are you talking to?"

" W-What who? I'm just chatting with ..... Jisoo, Yeah Jisoo."

School Life-Seungjin/Hyunmin                              (✔️completed)Where stories live. Discover now