Chapter38. Mess

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My tears fells slowly as I see Wonho and Jennie cuddles when sitting on a bench which is facing the wide field. Wonho is playing with Jennie's hair gently while her head is resting on his right shoulder.

............. How happy are they? These are the things we used to do when we're still a couple. I really missed his touches, his soft and gentle touch.

I'm supposed to feels glad or happy if my loves one finally find his true love, am I right....? But why is my heart aching so much?

I turns around and wipes away my tears. I let out a heavy sigh before heading back to my class. I think it's time for me to let go. Is time for me to move on........ just like the way he does right now.........



Aishhhhh!!!!!! Jinjja......... Why did my mom drives me here so damn early?! Guess I've to sleep in that stupid class for 1&1/2 hours....... What a lonely time.......(;'༎ຶД༎ຶ')

As I walks in with the back door of the class, I saw a figure is laying on the table with his face down. I walks to my desk and settle myself while still keeps my eyes on his fragile back.

......... What is he doing here? I mean this early? Seungmin?? Is he sleeping?

But my heart stops once I hear his soft hiccups from his mouth. I quietly walks and sits on Felix's chair.

" Hey pup Min, what's wrong? Do you wanna talks about it?" I rubs his back while leans closer to him. He didn't respond my question but shakes his head tiredly.

" ......... It's okay~ I don't want to pushes you. But you can find me if you wanna talks about your problems. I'm glad to help you go through those." I ruffles his soft hair as my heart keeps skipping fast. ( It's my first time to touches him guys........( ̄▽ ̄) )

" T-thank you Lucas....." he thanks me with his broken voice. I really wanted to kisses his forehead and tells him everything is fine as long as I'm here for you. But I knows 'someone' will mad at me. I know I'm not the right person to do so and I know Seungmin doesn't has feelings for me.

Ahh....... It's okay. As long as he's happy, I'm happy too. As long as our relationship won't changes, it's totally fine if he only sees me as a friend or bro.

I would never feels sad if my crush doesn't loves me back cuz love isn't something that can force to. And I know I'll find my true love when the right time comes.

School Life-Seungjin/Hyunmin                              (✔️completed)Where stories live. Discover now