Chapter26. Letting go pt.2

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I froze after Hyunjin asks me where did those bruises came from.

Well, some comes from my DAD and some comes from........


" Yo bitch......!" again, Nayeon blocked my way when I'm going to the school gate.

" Why you looks so annoy when I'm infront of you? Ptfff.... You think you deserve my oppa...?! Let me tell you little bitch, a guy who looks like shit, same as YOU never deserve to be love." she and her bitchy friends laughed evilly.

Being a gentleman, I controlled myself for giving her a wonderful slap in her stupid face.

" Move away." I said coldly and mentally rolled my eyes.

" Well well well. Kim Seungmin. Who do you think you are to command us?!" a girl looks even uglier talked and freaking poking my shoulder hardly.

I dare her short finger would crack into pieces if she's a boy. But unfortunately, she is a girl and I can't fight back. I just try my best to keep holding my anger towards them.

" Stop your bullshit bitches." I clenched my fist as they glared at me while one of them walked closer towards me.

.......DAMN!!!! I didn't expect that she had a blade in her hand in the hold time. She cuts my arms fucking deep and my arms started to bleed badly. I hissed a bit while clenched my teeth.

They laughed while I used my hand to wraps my bloody arm. Within a second, they kicked me and hit me.

One of the bitch hit my head and cuz me felt dizzy. My body became weak and I lose my balance and ended up laying on the floor while wrapping my hands around my head.

Nayeon kicked my hand and stepped on my wrist harshly to make me scream loudly in pain. She kicked me one last time before they left.

I sat up and leaned against the wall. I'm glad that it's late and no one saw this shitty bully scene.

Thanks to them my arms, legs and stomach got so much bruises.

Flashback end


" Seungmin! How do you get those? Tell me!" I keep asking him but he's still spacing out.

I'm getting more worrier so I shakes his both shoulder. With that, he looks at me blankly and starts to step back.

" Yah, what's wrong with you?" I saw him shaking and breathing heavily.

School Life-Seungjin/Hyunmin                              (✔️completed)Where stories live. Discover now