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"out of seven billion people on this planet, why you? why me?"

HAZEL BECKETT had indeed evolved in that seven year period. After the multiple fights she had with her mother, she moved out of the Beckett house and into her own. The woman managed to get by at first with her father's help, but soon cut ties when she found several good-paying opportunities herself. She was a grown adult now, regardless of her parents' endless plethora of cash and riches they could've been providing her if she stayed under their care.

"Why am I here, Spencer?" Hazel asked, nostalgia running through her brain as she looked around the office that resembled the one she was taken in the very first time she got questioned for Wilson's murder.

Spencer pursed his lips together, a fluttering feeling appearing in Hazel's stomach once again. "How about we catch up for a little before we start?" A playful smile made it's way up to his face, and the young actress was surprised how direct he was being with her.

"Why?" Was all Hazel could reply with, all her social skills immediately shutting down like a switch had been turned off.

"It doesn't feel right that I show you dead bodies first thing after not seeing you for exactly seven years, three months, and 20 days." Spencer said, and when her expression turned somewhat skeptical, he cleared his throat. "I-uh I remembered the date of Wilson's murder, I wasn't being creepy."

The woman laughed, her cheeks starting to ache from constantly smiling. "Thanks for clearing that up."

"You're welcome. Anyways, I want to hear all about what happened when you left. I've been curious." Spencer said, his expression too happy to be talking about how she stopped contacting him.

But Hazel wondered anyways. "Like, why we stopped seeing each other or—"

His expression faltered a little, but he covered it up with a shake of his head and a chuckle. "About you. Your life since then." The man said softly, eyes only holding compassion and kindness—no hurt, grudge, anything. It was clear to Hazel now that Spencer had moved on long ago.

"I see." She said, her cheeks flushing out of embarrassment. "Y-yeah. It's not all too complicated, but I started putting myself out there more. Once I got one acting gig, they started to just naturally appear. I guess I have my mother to thank for that, though."

"I see you on TV very often. It catches me off guard...but I'm glad you followed your dreams without your mom getting in the way."

"You see me on TV?" Hazel said, her cheeks growing redder at the thought of the man casually sitting on his couch, watching her.

"You're hard to miss." Spencer said, maintaining eye contact with her that she struggled to not break. Those brown orbs that stared at her with such intensity that caused such tension to thicken in the air between them.

Up close now, Hazel realized his eyes were a darker shade of brown now—those honey strands laced in were now gone, replaced by mostly emptiness. It wasn't only that, but the face of Spencer Reid now was significantly different then the one seven years ago. This version of him seemed more weary and both mentally and physically exhausted. She wondered if anything major happened in that time period that made him change.

"Enough about me." Hazel said, snapping out of her trance that singled out Spencer from reality. "I want to know what happened to you."

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