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"whatever's good for the soul,
you should do that thing."


themselves wandering around the city of Virginia Beach after eating lunch at a local diner. Their hands were tightly interlocked as they walked down the sidewalks, Spencer being forced into cute little stores that Hazel dragged him inside of. At by the end of the day, Hazel had bought about a five new pairs of shoes as well as stupid couple t-shirts for the both of them. After a long day of fun and laughter, Spencer and Hazel were walking back to their hotel room for the night.

"You didn't even finish your food at dinner." Spencer pouted, pestering the girl after they began talking about her old habits. "You know you don't eat a moderate amount of food."

"I have a little stomach." She replied lamely, bored of the conversation.

"Technically Hazel, all adults have approximately the same stomach size, it's just the matter of how much it can expand varying from person to person." Spencer said, "and if you do happen to have a smaller stomach, it's because you don't eat."

She rolled her eyes. "That's the whole point, Spencer."

"You're body isn't used to you eating in large amounts anymore." Spencer said

"And it should?" Hazel asked him, making a strange face. "Spencer, I'm always in front of a camera. You know how harsh people can be when they see a change."

"I know that, but it's more important to be healthy and not avoiding food to look a certain way." Spencer muttered, glancing at her. "You're beautiful, and size doesn't matter. It's all just so—unimportant. Looks are unimportant."

Hazel gazed at him with a tender look, smiling sadly because she wished everyone else was like her boyfriend. "You think that. Doesn't mean the rest of the world does." She sighed, heavily. "I have to get back to work in a few days, too."

His smile faltered, the realization that their vacation was ending finally hitting him. "So...what? You're going to go back to fasting??" Spencer asked her.

Hazel turned to him, her eyebrows furrowed as she shook her head. "No, I'm just gonna...maintain my weight." She said.

"Okay, so that means you can eat a normal amount." Spencer said.

"I-I do eat a normal amount." She said in frustration, groaning and rolling her eyes. "Okay. Whatever. Let's move on." Hazel mumbled.

"No. Listen." Spencer said, stopping. Hazel sighed and turned around, letting the man grab her biceps and stare at her with a serious look. "I don't want what I saw that one time happening again, Hazel. I'm not gonna sit around and let you hurt yourself anymore—especially since I am your boyfriend, after all."

"I know," Hazel grumbled stubbornly, looking away. "You don't have to baby me, I'm doing fine. I know what happened back then was really bad, but it won't happen again, ever." She said.

"Just because you're not puking up your food doesn't mean you're not still sick. Hazel, all that matters to me is that you're not hurting yourself over a stupid company contract. If you're getting hurt, you're gaining absolutely nothing." Spencer told her, bringing his hand up to cup her cheek. "It's not worth it."

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