Chapter 13

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She's dead.

She's dead she's dead she's dead she's dead she's dead she's dead she's dead she's dead she's dead she's dead.

Octavio couldn't take his eyes away from the pile of pink ink on the ground. Mizuta hadn't left it, silently hugging her knees and sobbing.

He knew he should of been happy.

Overjoyed, even. 2 or 3 years ago if this happened he probably would be celebrating and thinking "finally a squid sister is dead! Time to make a plan to take back our turf now that everyone's grieving!"

But this wasn't 2 or 3 years ago.

Maybe if it was Marie it wouldn't of affected him as much.

Or maybe agent 4. Or 3. Or heck, even agent 7.

But it wasn't.

It was Callie.

Callie was dead.

Octavio silently tuned out Marie's outburst towards Marina, as his thoughts drifted to what TarTar said.

[Or is all this just a fancy way of how you would of had this imperfect town if you took over in my place?]

[You joined the rebellion because you had to. Not because you wanted to. Quit trying to be a hero and stand aside.]

If he was in TarTar's place, would he of done the same..?

Had he changed? Or was that just something he had said in the heat of the moment.

He was no hero. Not by a long shot.

But would he really of gone to these lengths to take his old home back?

. . .

"I don't think you're a bad person." Callie murmured as she slid against the snow globe into a sitting position.

Octavio raised an eyebrow, glaring slightly. "What makes you say that."

Callie moved so she was facing him, sitting crisscross. "I mean, you had your reasons for doing what you did-"

"I kidnapped your grandfather."

Callie was silent for a few seconds. "I don't think you would of hurt him. I think he was more of bait for agent 3. I know you used to care about him. I think you still do."

"..I stole your zapfish."

"You need power for your city." Callie replied, rather calmly. Octavio let out a hiss. "Power for my city and it's weapons to raid inkopolis with. Power for my music to continue to invade the minds of my soldiers and subjects. Why are you justifying my actions?!"

Callie shrugged, giving a soft smile. "I don't know to be honest. I was hoping it'd change your mind about things to see someone be nice to you. Plus, if you were a bad person you wouldn't be so truthful about your past actions."

Octavio was silent to that argument, because he had nothing to combat it with. The two sat there in silence for a few seconds, just staring at each other. Eventually Octavio broke the silence.

"You came down here because you were upset about something. I can see the tear stains on your face."

Callie's smile faded as quickly as the words had left the Octarian. The cuttlefish's eyes gazed towards the ground. "And?"

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