When Marinette Doesn't Get In Lila's Way

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"Now that the first semester is over, we need to hold our class president elections!" Ms. Bustier explained, "Who would like to run?"

"I'll do it!" Lila piped up, "My parents have gotten me interested in politics recently. Prince Ali even tutored me in government when I visited his family!"

"I thought his parents hosted the visit..." Marinette mumbled to herself.

"Wonderful, Lila. Who else?" Ms. Bustier continued.

The room was silent.

"Uh... Chloe? Perhaps you'd like to run again?" Ms. Bustier filled the silence.

"I don't have time for stupid school-politics. My daddy will teach me how to run Paris." She huffed.

"Very well. Marinette is your only opponent then, I suppose." She said turning to Lila.

"Oh, I'm not running." Marinette put her hands up defensively.

"What?!" Alya exclaimed, "but you love being class president."

"I do, but to be honest..." she paused, "I think Lila would be a better president. I mean, she can take us on better field trips because of all her connections. And she has more experience with governing anyway." Marinette shrugged.

"But what about when you took us to meet Jagged Stone?" Alya reasoned, "that was so cool!"

"I know, but Lila can do the same if not better."

Lila gulped.

"Remember when Marinette got us early editions of the Ladybug and Chat Noir animated movie? I don't know how she pulled it off!" Rose said sweetly.

Juleka agreed and mumbled something about being her model.

"You also convinced my father to let me out of the house more often." Adrien offered.

"I appreciate it, guys, but Lila clearly is more qualified. She's friends with Jagged Stone and Prince Ali. And she's best friends with Ladybug." She drew out the name ever so slightly, knowing that it made Lila uncomfortable.

"That's right..." Lila said quietly.

"Yeah, I wouldn't want to get in Lila's way." Marinette turned to look at her, giving her a silent warning that everyone was on her side.

Ms. Bustier cleared her throat awkwardly. "Well, if Lila is the only one running, she's the new class president. Congratulations!"

The class clapped weakly.

"Your first responsibility as class president actually begins quite soon!" Ms. Bustier pointed out, "We have another showcase coming up, like that time Mr. Agreste came in to judge the fashion competition. Your job is to find a celebrity or some type of influencer to come in and give a presentation of some kind. This'll probably be easy for you with all of your traveling and connections."

Lila swallowed nervously.

"Lila, what if you got Ladybug to come in?" Alya shot out of her seat, "That would be so cool!"

"Yeah!" Alix added, "You're her best friend, of course she'll do it."

"I'll do my best, but she's so busy saving Paris you know..." Lila brushed it off smoothly.

Adrien frowned and faced away from Lila.

"I almost forgot!" Marinette opened her book bag and pulled out a folder that looked ready to burst. "You'll need these." She dropped the folder on Lila's desk with a loud thump.

"Um, what is this?" Lila looked disgusted, leaning back in her seat.

"These are my records for every student in the grade. I keep lists of what they want, their complaints, or any general information that's important to their student life." Marinette sat back down.

Lila opened the massive folder. It must've had at least 100 documents in it. She looked at the top one, and saw that it had the student's allergies written down.

"These are very thorough, Marinette. Are you sure you don't want to run?" Ms. Bustier looked over Lila's shoulder.

"I'm sure. Lila can handle the responsibility."

She couldn't.

Within a week, Lila had managed to screw up the class budget, and now they weren't able to go on a field trip to any museums. There were no more special surprises, like snacks in the morning or school movie nights. The celebrity guest appearance was "unavailable" due to a "lack of planning and scheduling".

Even Mayor Bourgeois wouldn't come for the job fair. Ladybug seemed to distance herself from the school– nobody saw her swing over the roof anymore. Akumas were more frequent as more people were unhappy. Marinette kept her friends well guarded, and made sure that they still got what they needed. But she had proved her point.

This is what happens when she stays out of Lila's way.

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