Where it all began.

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There once was a little girl, she was different from the rest of little girls, her name you may ask? Well it's Polly Anne Matthews. She has blonde hair just like her mother's. She has blue eyes just like her father's. She was a smart girl, a very bright girl with a very beautiful personality. She was always a beautiful girl.
There once was a little boy, he was also different from the rest of little boys, his name you may ask? Well it's George Harrison. He has brown hair like his father's. He has brown eyes like his mother's. He's an intelligent boy, a very quite boy at times. Hes got a very loud personality. He has always been a handsome boy.
Polly Matthews was getting ready for school, her mother Anne had made her a new dress.
Polly was uncontrollably content. She absolutely loves it! Being a seven year old girl receiving a new dress is always a big deal!

It ended just at her knees, it was white and had little yellow flowers all over it. It was truly beautiful may I add.

It was her first day at school, she was so excited to go and meet new people.
She ran upstairs to put on her new dress.
She took off her PJs and slipped on her new dress. She looked in the mirror and did a twirl.
"I love it!"
She whispered.

Polly made her way down stairs to the her parents.

Her father had a cigar in his mouth, he was reading the paper.

Her mother was on the other side of the table reading a book.

"Mummy daddy!"
They both turned to see there absolutely beautiful daughter standing amongst them, she had a wide grin on her face, her cheeks were Rosey and her hair was freshly Platted.

"Well good god is that our little girl Anne?"
Fredric her father asked his wife Anne.

"What are you talking about Fredric I see no little girl I see a grown up girl ready for her first  day of school!"
Her father smiled at her.

He put the paper down took his cigar out of his mouth and made his way over to her.

He picked her up and spun her around in the air.
"Daddy! Put me down!"
He chuckled.
"Oh Princess your absolutely stunning!"
She smiled.
He put her down and kissed her cheek.
"Ok kido ready to go?"
Mother asked.

"I'm ready mummy!"
And with that Polly and her mother were off to her school.
It was actually not to far from the Matthew resistance. So Polly skipped to school with her mother tagging behind.
Polly entered school with a smile on her face, she was greeted by many kids and teachers. Her mother kissed her goodbye and left.

Polly had made 3 friends already Sadie, Zoe and Tim. They were playing outside.

Polly went back Inside but bumped into a someone spilling a brown substances on her dress.
She looked at the young boy. He looked back at her, he slowly started to smile.
She held her arms up.
She sniffled three times but then she cried.
"Come on I'm sorry."
He said.
"This-this was a-a new d-ress.."
Soon her teacher Mrs Evans came out with a wet cloth dabbing her dress.
"George! Say sorry to Polly straight away!"
He frowned.
"I-im sorry Polly for spilling my chocolate milk on your new dress."
She sniffled and looked at him.
"T-t-thats ok George..."
She sighed.
She was about to take off but George had one more thing to say.
"Now you say sorry for bumping Into me! That was my chocolate milk!"
Polly looked at him for a while, she started laughing.
He joined in.
After that day George and Polly were inseparable.

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