Going somewhere?

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Polly's pov
4 weeks latter
It's been 4 weeks. Of none stop crying. Head aches. Vomiting. I don't know what to do. I was laying in my bed in the darkness, I remembered a memory.
Polly has been sick off of school for 2 weeks. Paul asked George if he wanted to come visit but he had family plans. Paul bought her some roses and after school Paul walked to hers.

Paul knocked on the door.
"Why hello there Paul!"
Polly's mother answered. You never really see much of Polly's dad.
And Polly's mother has been treating Paul like one of her own kids, because his mother passed. Which affected him very much.
"I'm here for Polly."
Paul held up the roses. Polly's mother held her chest.
"That's lovely paul, she's upstairs."
He nodded and walked over to her room.
Paul knocked on her door but no one answered.
So  he let himself in.
Paul saw Polly sprawled out next to the toilet. She had vomit on her mouth.
Paul fled to the rescue.
Polly started to gag so Paul held her hair as she vomited.
"Oh Polly I'm sorry your sick."
Polly smiled, but frowned at the same time.
"I-i-is o-o ok Paul. Thanks for c-coming."
Paul smiled and patted her back.
He started humming to her favorite song.
Polly smiled and layed in his lap.
Flashback done

I cried harder. Paul and George were like brothers to me, until I started to fall for George. Although I'd what John told me was true. Did I fall in love with the wrong boy?

I sniffled.
I had received many, many letters from George but I immediately throw them out.
I can't deal with him. I'm honestly so confused.

When George gets back, I'll be having a word.
Georges pov
It's been 4 weeks since I sent my letter telling polly everything was ok. I figured that it would be better if i told her in person.

But the twist is, she hasn't replied to any of my letters from the past 4 WEEKS! It honestly pains me to think if she found out. But she couldn't have?

I was in my small bed shared with Paul.
Germany was fun. But it's not going so well.

"Oi Macca."
John interrupted my train of thought.
"Yeah John."
Paul replied.
I just pretended to sleep.
"That last gig we did, I met a bloke called Ringo or Richard some weird shit like that, anyway he plays for Roary and the hurricanes... Or was it Roary storm... I don't know."
Paul nodded.
"Yeah! Ringo I met him to."
Paul replied
"Yeah he's a nice bloke he even offered to fill in."
Paul looked at John puzzled.
"For drums you geaser."
Paul smiled.
"Yeah that's good news we won't need that what's his name?"
Paul started clicking his fingers.
"I forget his name."
John laughed.
I still pretended to sleep, but I couldn't get Polly of my mind.
She always seemed to sneak into my head even when I didn't know it.
I woke up that morning, I walked over to the small desk. I was looking for a pen and paper to write with.
I figured I'd keep writing to Polly until she answered.
I was looking everywhere. I opened the drawer.
I turned it over it already had writing in it. I sighed but I read the first lines and filled up with anger immediately.
Dear Polly,
How do I put this, I written like 4 pages but I just can't find the right way to put this.
I saw George snogging a random bird. He was probably going to shag her!
No John that's way to bold!
I read as if John had made many mistakes already.
I ripped it up.
I read the others it contained lined like.
"George was about to lose his virginity! And not to you!"
"He was basically shagging her up against the wall!"
"I'm sorry love, I'm ways available..."
The last line pissed me off so hard.
I ripped them all up.
John ran in.
He saw how angry I was and ran out.
"You fucking coward!!"
I ran after him.
But I stopped because I swear I could hear Polly's voice.
George. George. George.
Calm down. This to shall pass. You need to tell me the truth. I'm not holding on to well.
I collapsed to the floor. It felt so real it was... Scary.
I clutched onto the polaroid of the two of us.
I turned it around to see the message Polly wrote to me, saying she loved me.
A tear rolled down my cheek.

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