Goodbye for now

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1951 (George and Polly are 8)
Polly's pov
I woke up with stained cheeks, I've been crying all night. All because of my best best BEST! Friend George is going to camp. He's leaving tomorrow.

George is my bestest friend ever, but he's leaving for 3 weeks. That's right! 3 WEEKS!
I was laying in bed staring at a picture of George and I stroking it. I heard a knock at the door.
I rubbed my face and got up.
"Please go away."
I whined
The door opened and George ran in. He looked like he had been crying as well.
He jumped on the bed.
"Oh George!"
I wrapped my arms around him.
"I'm really *sniff* sorry *sniff*"
I looked at him.
"No georgie it's ok! We'll stay friends! Right?"
If there were an adult or anyone else for that matter saw this, they would think the two were being a little over dramatic, but Polly and George were like two peas in a pod, as George and Polly's parents would describe the both.

"O-o-of of course."
He jumped under cover with me and we spoke for a while.
"You better not leave me again."
George looked over to me.
"I won't."
I got and idea! I ran over to my desk and got a pen and paper. I wrote down
I Polly Anne Matthews solemy swears never to leave George Harrison.
I pasted it to George, he smiled and wrote underneath it.
I George Harrison solemy swears never to leave Polly Anne Matthews again."
He handed it back over to me.
We both signed our fake funny adult signatures at the bottom of the page.
Polly stuck it in her drawer.
"Pleasure doing business with you sir."
Polly said in her posh accent.
She gave george her hand and he shook it.
"Please the pleasure was all mine!"
George cracked a smiled which sent them both into a pit of laughter, until we heard a beep at the window.
"Oh that's my mum and dad."
We both went sad.
"Goodbye for now then?"
I said.
He looked at me, and hugged me.
"I'm gonna miss you polyester. Better not find and new best friends while I'm gone."
I siffled
"Not a chance Georgie."
And with that George left.
Polly watched as he hoped into the backseat of his parents car.
He looked at me one last time and gave me a reassuring smile.
I whispered.

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