Home is where the heart is.

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Polly's pov
That night, I decided I wanted to have a pamper night. I wanted to look good when I saw George next.

I wanted to be glowing with happiness. Although I think that would be Impossible in my state.

I took a long warm needed shower, I washed my hair. It was growing very long. I haven't had a real, real haircut in years.

Once I got out, I took my towel and wrapped it around my damp body. I got my other towel and wrapped my hair up in it.

I looked in the mirror and observed myself. I looked like I hadn't had a decent amount of sleep in months, which mind you wasn't far from the truth.

My skin was washed out. I had bags under my eyes. My eyes themselves were red, from crying alot.

I sighed.
"Polly you have a lot of work to do..."
I told myself.
I started applying some moisturizers and face masks.
I got dressed and sat at my window.
I played one of my favourite records, and watched as the rare car would drive past.

The night sky shined down on me.
"We would fade into pretend."
I whispered to myself.

The stars twinkled.
The thought that I would be seeing George again tomorrow, it scared me.
Georges pov
I was on the train. It started to rain. I traced my long slender fingers along with the rain drops. I always did this as a child.

Paul was beside me, snoring. John was opposite me.
I looked over, I jumped noticing he was staring right at me.
I turned my attention back to the window.

"Your going to break her heart George."
John whispered to me.

"I know, but I have to tell her."
I said, I couldn't get myself to look at him.

"George she already k-"
"Excuse me, are you using this news paper?"
An elderly woman interrupted John.
I smiled.
"No please take it."
She nodded and took it.

I looked back over to john. He had his eyes shut.
She already what?
This scared me.
But I pushed it to the back of my thoughts. All I need to think about is Polly.
"George, I knew I never loved you. It's always been John."
I watched as Polly snogged John.
"No... Polly!"
I went to touch her but my hand went straight through her.
I looked down to my hands horrified. But when I looked back up. Polly wasn't there anymore. It was that same bird from the pub.
She smiled at me.
I shook my head.
I looked over to my left.
It was Polly she was holding hands with me, but I was younger. She walked off into the sunset with him/me.

I ran after her but I was pulled back.
I turned around and the Germany lass pulled me into her, she started kissing me.

"No! No! I'm sorry Polly! Come back!"
I jumped out of my seat.
It was Paul.
I swiped my forehead, I was sweating horribly.
"Paul what time is it?!"
Paul was taken aback.
"It's 6... In the morning."
"W-wheres Polly?"
"Uh she's in Liverpool.... We're only thirty minutes away to...."
"But George. She doesn't want you. She never did. She loves me...."
I woke up.
I lunged out of my seat.
Did I just have two nightmares in one?
My breathing sped up when I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was Paul.
"Your up! You've been out for hours.... Sleep well then?"
I looked at him.
"I guess you could say that...."
"Well uh we're here now..."
Paul passes me my stuff.
I'm not ready to face Polly.... When I tell her she's going to freak out....
Polly's pov
I woke up. I had probably the best night I've had in months.
I'd usually have terrible nightmares, but tonight I didn't.

I had a positive feeling.
I don't know what I'm going to do. But I'm going to see if George will tell me.
If he doesn't then.... I'll have to do some thinking.

I got out of bed and walked to my bathroom. I looked in the mirror, I looked good. I smiled at myself.

I ran over to my wardrobe. I picked out a short dress, it had sunflowers on it. I straightened my hair and put some red lipstick on. I never did that. But I'm doing it today.

I put some black leather hightops on and walked back into the bathroom. I gasped at myself. I looked beautiful. Well I at least thought so.

I hadn't looked this good in ages.
I took my hand bag and walked out.
"My my miss Matthews! Your looking happy."
My dad said looking up from the news paper.
I smiled and nodded.
"Thanks dad!"

I left and walked to the train station.
I skipped along smiling and waving at some of the locals I knew.

I was happy. I was so happy, George wasn't going to ruin this.

I walked to the train station and when I got to the front of it, I took a deep breath in.
"You've got this Polly, you've been getting ready for this for ages. It's just George."
And with that I walked in.
Georges pov
John Paul and I got off the train. I walked through crowd's of People. I was sweating relentlessly. I was terrified to see her.
But then all my nerves instantly went down.

I saw her.....
I saw the love of my life.
She was..... Stunning.
Her hair had grown.
It was straightened.
She was stunning.
I couldn't keep my mouth shut.

I stared at her. It was almost like everyone parted so there was a path from her end to mine.
She was looking around twirling her finger between her golden locks. She does that when shes nervous.

I looked at her.
Then she turned around.
We made eye contact.
Aha cliff hanger!!!!!!!
What's gonna happen?!
You'll have to find out?!

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