I think i like her?

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1952 (the dates will change, but it will go back to last chapters date.)
Georges pov

I was heading over to Polly's, we usually hang out most days.
She's my best friend! I turned 9 a week ago and Polly wasn't there to come over, so she invited me over.
My other friends think it's weird I hang out with a girl. But there's just something about her. Maybe it's the way she calls my name, or the way she looks at me.

It sounds cheesy but I don't know, I just really like her. I was walking over to hers on a frosty morning.
I could see her in the distance jumping up and down.
I started walking faster.
"George! George! George!"
She had the most beautiful smile plastered on her face.
She ran over and hugged me tightly.
"I'm so so so so SO Sorry I didn't come to your birthday!"
She said Into my shoulder.
I let go of her.
"It's fine polyester! Really I'm glad your here now!"
She smiled and brought him into her house.
"Ello George! Happy 9th!"
Polly's father exclaimed
I've always loved Polly's parents, there so nice.
Polly's mother could only have one child. So Polly will  be an only child, but apparently she doesn't care.
"Thanks sir!"
Polly dragged me to her room.
I saw the Polaroid of us hanging above her bed.
I smiled and ran my fingers over it.
She ran to her closet and brought out a rather large box.
"Open it!"
"Wow Polly you didn't have t-"
"Nonsense! George your my best friend of course I had to."
I started to unwrap the box.
I gasped as I saw a brand new guitar.
I always use my cousins old guitar, so this- this was amazing.
It was beautiful.
"Do you like it?"
"Are you crazy! I love it! Polly thank you so much!"
She smiled
"You told me you wanted to be a rockstar when you grow up so this is just a little gift that will hopefully help you get there."
I smiled
"Oh Polly. Come here."
She got up and George picked her up and spun her around.
"Woah George."
"Thank you thank you thank you!"
She smiled.
"Your welcome!"
He put her down and couldn't wipe the huge smile off his face.
"Come on then play us something!"
George smiled.
"I can't really play a song - song yet but I can play some cords."
She nodded.
He started to strum some chords.
She smiled.
George started to hum to random notes
Polly got up and put her head in his lap, she hummed as well.
He smiled and lifted the guitar so she could be more comfortable.
I sat there with Polly in my lap, so very happy.
Knowing that I was always going to remember this memory.
So I locked it away in the back of my head.
I smiled and looked down to see that Polly was looking right at me.
"That's beautiful George."
She whispered.
"Your beautiful Polly."
I mumbled back.
She smiled and shut her eyes. I stroked some hair out of her face.
I think- I think I like her.

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