Singing in the rain

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Georges pov
I was sitting on my desk chair watching the rain cascade down outside, I started picking at strings on my guitar. I flipped it over to see a carving.
"Polyester + Georgina"
I swiped it with my finger, remembering what happened.
Flash back
George and Polly were in a tree at strawberry feilds. There was this one big tree that was easy to climb.
George was sitting on a higher branch and Polly was sitting one branch lower then him.
Georges legs were dangling over the height.
Polly looked up to George he was carving something Into his guitar.
"Oi that wasn't a cheap guitar george what  you doing?"
George smiled he turned it around.
Polly's heart warmed at the sight.
He had written polyester on it.
"Pass it ere then."
George was hesitant but obliged.
She got his knive and carved something in as well.
George watched as Polly's tounge stuck out as she was carving.
"There perfect!"
She gave it to him.
"Polyester + Georgina"
He rolled his eyes at 'Georgina'
"What? You call me polyester all the fucking time."
This sent them both into a fit of laughter.
Flashback done.

George smiled at the memory.
He thought of Polly all day.
He decided that moping around all day won't do him any good so he walked outside. It was still raining so he ran to the bus stop. He waited until a bus arrived. The doors opened and the man looked at him and said.
"Mate you can't come on my bus your soaking wet."
The busdriver said as he looked George up and down.
George frowned.
"No sorry mate."
George looked down.
He decided just to walk.
He walked in the rain. He hated the rain. It always rains in Liverpool.
Polly always loved rain.
Polly turned around to see a shivering George.
"What is Georgina scared of a little rain?"
He rolled his eyes and caught up with Polly.
"It's freezing though Polly, I hate rain."
Polly looked at George making eye contact with him.
She smiled. George loved the way she looked.
Her blonde hair was slicked back her blue eyes shining. Her white shirt was going see through so he could see her bra line.
"Um George..."
She broke him out of his trance.
"Why do you like rain so much polyester?"
He changed the subject.
"It's just beautiful George."
"It's a rightful annoying thing rain."
George replied.
"No it's amazing!"
George watched as Polly pulled her arms out and twirled into the rain.
"May I have this dance?"
Polly leant down on one knee Infront of George.
He smirked.
"You shall."
She took his arm and hoisted herself up.
He held her waist and she wrapped her arms around his neck.
They danced in the rain.
Polly started to sing.
"I'm singing in the rain."
George smiled.
"I'm just singing in the rain."
George continued the song.
He twirled Polly out
"What a glorious feelin' I'm happy again!"
"I'm laughing at the cloud's"
George chuckled out.
"So dark up above."
The two couldn't help it anymore. They laughed so hard. George picked her up and spun her around.
He had forgotten that it was raining and he was cold. All he was thinking about was her.
Flashback done

George let a single tear roll down his cheeks.
"I'm singing in the rain."
He chocked out.
He walked down to starwberry feilds. It was raining even harder at this point.
He looked up to the tree they climbed as kids.
He smiled and hoisted himself up into it.
He sat in his usual branch and watched the rain. He looked at his clock.
It read. He sighed and looked out to the distance. He held his head in his hands. He wondered if Polly read his note yet. Did she and ignore it?!
"You've really fucked up this time haven't you Harrison."
"You sure have Georgina."
A familiar voice hit his head.
I know! I'm sorry! But I'm so Into this so I'm going to write the next chapter like now. Hope you enjoyed the chapter.

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