You mean the world to me.

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1954(another filer on George and polly as kids.)
Georges pov.
Today was Polly's 11th birthday, George planned on taking her out.
He didn't want to intrude on her family so he was going to call her latter on.
He was planning on taking her to a special place.
The clock hit 5pm so he skipped over to the telephone and dialled the Matthew resistance.
The phone rang twice until someone picked up.
"No daddy!"
"Sorry hello?"
"Yes and this is?"
She was being sarcastic.
"Ha ha its me George!"
"Hiya George what can I do for ya!"
"Happppppy birthday!"
He could tell she was smiling on the other end.
"Thanks Georgie!"
"Listen I want to take you out."
"Ok well come over then!"
"Ok polyester I'll be there in 5 minutes, so get ready!"
"Ok see you then!"
George hung up and ran to his room.
He picked up his guitar that Polly got him for his 9th. He also picked up a basket his mum packed for them. He got to his bike and put all his stuff in the basket on the bike. He strapped his guitar to it as well.
After 5 minutes George had arrived.
He knocked on the door.
"Why hello there Mr Harrison, taking my daughter out for a date then are we?"
Her father said.
I blushed.
Polly ran downstairs.
She. Looked. Beautiful.
She had her long blonde hair out.
She wore a blue jumpsuit.
She smiled at George.
"Sorry jelly bean have fun!"
She ran out to George and jumped on him.
"Happy birthday pols."
He whispered.
"Thanks George."
She whispered back.
She let go of him and kissed his cheek.
He smiled.
"Ok then come on."
He took her out to his bike.
He got on and Polly sat on the back of it.
She nodded and held his waist tightly.
Polly lived on a very tall hill, it was hell getting up, but fun coming down.
And Where George was taking her wasn't so far from where they both lived, plus it's down hill.
So he figured they would take his bike.
He pushed off and they went down.
Polly held tightly but then she slowly let go and put her hands in the air.
She yelled as they zoomed down the hill.
George smiled.
He loved this girl.
They glided down the hill.
Polly soon wrapped her arms around his waist again.
It was 5:20 ok so the sun was slowly coming to an end but this was all apart of his plan.
George and polly rode down hills and paths, until they hit the end of a road. There was path, but it was blocked off by a 'do not enter' sign.
It was complete bush and trees.
"Trust me polyester."
He rode down and hit the breaks.
Just at the sign.
He got off.
Then gave Polly a hand getting off.
He unattached his guitar, and put it on his back. Polly held the basket.
"Where are we goi-"
"This way."
George interrupted.
He turned sideways and passed the sign.
"Uh ge-"
"Come on Polly!"
She frowned and followed him.
It was like a rainforest!
George walked through until there was a parting in the trees.
There was a large grass hill with a single big tree.
Polly's mouth dropped open.
It was absolutely beautiful.
George turned around and smiled at her reaction.
He Walked over to her.
"It's beautiful isn't it?"
She smiled. The sun that was about to set and it hit her face, her blue eyes were sparkling.
"Yes, it really is."
He took her hand.
They climbed to the top of the big grass hill.
They set the basket out. Pulling out a blanket.
Polly laid it out and sat down on it.
They were Under the tree.
The wind started to blow.
George watched as Polly shut her eyes, the wind blew her long golden locks around.
She smiled and opened her eyes.
"Oh georgie."
"Oh Polly."
After eating some of the food Georges mum packed them, and some talking. George decided to sing a song for her.
He picked up his guitar. Polly's face instantly lit up.
"I've been working on this song for you."
She nodded.
He started to strum a beautiful melody.
"When you enter the room, my whole world lights up. When you came into my life, my whole life lit up. Ooooohhhh what would I be without you? I don't even want to find out.
Oh Polly what do you do to me?"
George continued his song. Until the end.
"Happy birthday Polly, you mean the world to me Polly, please remember that...."
Polly stared at him.
"George that was absolutely beautiful."
A tear rolled down her cheek, she walked over to him.
She sat next to him and leant her head on his shoulder. They looked out into the horizon. They were up very high.
They just sat there watching the sun set.
After a while of well needed beautiful silence, George wrapped his arms around Polly and they tumbled down the grassy hill.
Polly screamed.
They rolled down the hill.
George laughed and Polly joined in.
They rolled to the end of it.
They spread out but we're still holding hands.
They were both grassy messes but they didn't care one bit.
They looked up to the sky.
George looked over to her, she was stunning.
She looked at him and they made eye contact.
They did this for a while until Polly lunged closer to him and started to tickle him.
He rolled around in laughter.
"There now we're even."
He smirked.
She nodded.
He got up and helped her up.
He got down and signalled for her to hop on his back. She got on and George started running around.
Polly screamed and laughed.
She was so very happy.
He was so very happy.
Just two kids having fun.
Just two kids that were bound to be together.
To fall in love.

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