The marriage

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4 months later
Polly's pov
It's been 4 months since George purposed to me. We decided to get married in strawberry feilds.

Jane Cynthia and I went dress shopping and I got the most beautiful dress, I can't wait to see georges reaction!

He's been making sure everythings going to be perfect. I love him for that.

The Beatles have grown to be so very famous, it's hard to go out these days.

The weddings tomorrow, I'm so very nervous!
Janes in new York still but she's flying down tonight.

Cynthia has been reassuring me every day that it will all be fine.

John's been distant ever since I told him George and I were getting married.
The big day
I woke up, George had left two days ago. So I haven't seen him for awhile. I felt the cold empty space next to me.

I got up and showered, I had a bit of a pamper.
Jane came over in a matter of minutes, we had to get Cynthia and race down to Liverpool.

"Polly you look so beautiful already!"
Jane exclaimed holding my sweaty clammy hands.

"Thanks, but I really don't think so! "

"Don't be crazy love! Your stunning!"
Cynthia said from behind me.

We were all in my car driving down.
"We'll be there in say 2 hours?"
Jane said

"The dress is here right?"
"And the make-up?"
"My hair stuff?"
"And m-"
"Everything is here Polly."
Cynthia said.

"I'm sorry I'm just really nervous."
Jane and Cynthia both said.

Jane had her hair up in a ponytail.
Cynthia had her beautiful blonde hair out.

I loved my girls.
We arrived at my old house.
We came up to the door holding everything.
"Come in my girl's!"
My mother answered.
"Oh mother!"
I hugged her.

"My big girls getting married!"
Mum said
"Oh jelly bean when did you get so old!"
I was already in tears at this point.
"Ok well let's get you ready! We only have 5 hour's!"
My mother exclaimed.
My heart dropped.

We walked up to my old room.
I smiled memories washing by.
"Wow I remember this!"
Jane said.
Cynthia admired my room.
I saw that faithful picture of George and I.
The message I wrote on the back confessing my love to him was still there. Although I noticed more writing underneath it.

This intrigued me.
It read
Polly I don't know when your reading this but I love you oh so much. I know one day I'll marry you. We'll have children! We'll be so happy together me and you, and you and me. ;)
I love you.
I hadn't realised I was crying.
"You alright?"
Jane asked.
I sniffled and shoved the picture in my pocket.
"Well let's get you ready!"
Cynthia said.
I nodded.
"I'm ready."
I was ready.
I'm as ready as I'll ever be.
I looked in the mirror.
I gasped at my appearance.
"You look beautiful!!!"
Jane said.

They did my makeup and my hair.
My beautiful white wedding dress flowed down.
"You look stunning love."
Cynthia said.

"I can't believe your getting married!"
Mother said half chocking out.

"I remember that day when you came home with George. Your new dress I made you completely ruined."
I smiled at the memory.
Flash back
Polly's mother's pov
I watched as the little boy and my Polly run upstairs. I rolled my eyes and sat back with Frederick.
He looked up from the news paper.
"Reminds me of you and I."
He said.
"Well we got married..."
I said half laughing.
"Who knows maybe they will get married!"
I smiled at what he said.
"Whats the lads name?"
He asked.
"George Harrison."
I said.
"Now that's quite the name."
I looked into the love of my life's eyes.
"Polly's growing up so fast."
He said.
"Polly Harrison. Think of it love."
He said.
"We're thinking ahead of our selfs Frederick. They won't get married!"
He looked back down at his News paper.
"I wouldn't be to sure on that one love, did you see the way they looked at each other."
I rolled my eyes.
"They're seven Frederick!"
I exclaimed.
"We were six!"
I laughed shaking my head.

Flash back down.

I watched as my mother looked into my eyes.
My father had passed away two years ago.
I never bring it up, but my mum and I always have these moments where we look at each other and we know he's in the room with us.

"Ok well let's get you down to starwberry feilds!"
Mother said.
"Ok! Let's get you married!"
I smiled and nodded.
We hoped in the car and drove down.
I saw some of the guests already there.
The place looked beautiful!
I picked my dress up so I could walk.

I bumped into John.
"You look beautiful! George is a mess! So be careful with him. Good luck."
I smiled and kissed his cheek.

It was weird because that was the most he's spoken to me in Months. I missed it

"We're going to take our seats love, see you soon."
Jane and Cynthia said.
I smiled and nodded.
They walked off.
My mother was going to walk me down the aisle.

I peeked through the starwberry feilds gate. Seeing George at the end under a gate off beautiful flowers. He looked very handsome.
I smiled, a lot of nerves lifted from my chest.

My mother asked
"As ready as I'll ever be."
I replied.
She nodded and took my arm
We walked down to the entrance.
Everyone going silent seeing me.

I took a deep breath in.
"You'll be fine."
Mother whispered in my ear.

George wasn't facing me.
Music started playing and we walked down the aisle.

I looked at all my friends and family.
I looked at the famous tree George and I used to climb.

I swear I saw my dad standing against it.
He smiled and winked at me.
I shook my head he was gone.

We made it to George. My mum left and George turned around.

We made eye contact. As if we hadn't in years.
He smiled.

I smiled.
He lifted my vale remaining eye contact.
"Dearly beloved we gather here today to wed George Harrison and Polly Matthews."
The man went on.
"Do you George Harrison take Polly Matthews to be your wife?"
George looked at me and smiled.
"I do."
He slipped the ring on my finger.
"And do you Polly Matthews take George to be your husband?"
I smiled.
"I do."
I slipped Georges ring on his finger.
"Congratulations George and Polly you are now husband and wife you may now kiss the bride!"
George looked at me and leaned in.

We kissed passionately.
I smiled into it.
Everyone started clapping.
George pulled away, he reached behind him.
Before I could say anything I felt a cold liquid flow over me I gasped.
He had spilt chocolate milk all over my new wedding dress, the brown substance ran down my dress.

You turned around and Paul handed you a bottle of chocolate milk.
As George was watching the Audience laugh.
I poured it all over him.

"You were the one ruining all my dresses since day one Georgina!"
I traced my finger on the outline of his bushy eyebrows, picking up all the sticky chocolate milk.

You started licking his face.
"Hey get a room!"
We both turned around.

"We're married!"
We both yelled.
Everyone cheered.
I kissed him passionately.
This was the day I would never forget this was the day I finally tied the knot with George.

My childhood sweetheart.
My love
My life
My everything

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