I choose you

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Next day
Polly's POV
A bright light woke me up.
I looked up I smiled seeing the sun rise over Liverpool. I looked beside me to see a sleeping John. We were still in the big truck.
I was peaceful for a while until I realised.
I stayed over night in a truck in a JUNKYARD with john Lennon.
What am I doing? My parents are probably furious scared worried!
I shook John.
I whispered
I Said a little louder
I groaned.
He jumped up.
I laughed.
"Sorry John but I need to get back, like seriously."
He frowned.
"Whatever you say Polly."
He got up and grabbed his jacket.
I got my bag and we got out of the truck.
"I'm just going to freshen up John, my parents can't see me like this."
He nodded and walked over to some junk.
I pulled my hair out of the now ruined braids and put my frizzy hair into a high bun.
I smoothed my skirt out and my shirt.
I looked into a broken mirror.
I look.... Presentable?
I walked over to john.
He was carving something into the truck we slept in. I frowned confused.
I walked over John had carved.
He stood back and smiled at his work.
I patted his shoulder.
"I'll never forget this John, thank you so much."
I stood on my tippy toes and kissed him on the lips. He smiled into it and held my back.
I pulled away and smiled Innocently.
I grabbed his arm interrupting the moment.
"Come on Lennon I neeeeed to get back, I'm 16 I need to make it to 30."
He smiled and I dragged him down streets.
I walked to my house shoes in hand.
John stood beside me.
We would steal glances every now and again.
Sending me into a mad blush.
I had completely forgotten about George.
Honestly I'm happy with john.
Everyone knows Lennon. He's the loud mouth trouble maker. But I don't see that. I see his soft side.
I got to my house in one piece.
John kissed my cheek and left.
I already missed him.
I was interrupted by my mum.
"You have a lot of  explaining to do young lady."
She looked really really angry.
"Mum I know I'm sorry, but first can I have some sleep."
She frowned but her expression changed slowly.
I smiled and kissed her cheek.
"Thank you mum!"
I ran past her up to my room.
I shut the door behind me and sighed rather loudly.
"Well that's all over, thankfully."
I threw my shoes to the ground and Quickly hoped into the shower.
I got out ruffling my hair with a towel.
I scanned my room until my eyes stopped on a note sitting on my desk.
I tilted my head confused.
I sat on my chair and opened it.
I dropped it seeing Georges messy handwriting.
I picked it up reading through it, anger burning through my head Until I saw really what it said.
Dear Polly,
What have I done. What have I done. I'm a rightful twat. Listen Polly I've loved you since we were 8, remember when I asked you to marry me, you said yes. Remember when I took you out for your birthday? Remember when you got me that guitar. We've been friends since preschool. Since we were 7.
I couldn't tell you how much I love you.
I've fucked up big time. I think your the most beautiful girl Alive, with your blonde hair, your blue eyes. Your cute freckles. Polyester I love you. Always have always will. Please forgive me. But like I said and I'll say it again You mean the world to me Polly.
I'm sorry.
Love, your georgie.

A tear rolled down my cheek.
He's loved me since we were 8?
My heart beat quickened.
George. My George. Loves me?
All these feelings came rushing back.
I bursted into tears.
"H-h-he loves me back?"
I held the note to my chest and free fell to my bed.
"He loves me."
"He loves me."
My tears stopped and I jumped up and down.
But then I remembered what he did to me.
I remembered John.
What do I do?
I've loved George since I met him.
But John I feel like I have something with him.
He helped me.
Flash back
Polly and George were lying down in strawberry feilds, somewhere they go together.
The sun was shining, the birds were chirping.
The lovely smell of summer sunk into the two.
George and Polly held eachothers hands.
"What would you do in a hard situation, where you have to choose between something."
Polly was getting her walls painted, but she had to choose between a pale white she's only really likes for it.
Or light blue, a colour she absolutely loves! She's loved it since like forever. But she has to choose, and being a 13 year old girl it was difficult.
George thought for a second.
"Well Polly that's a hard question, but if it were to be me. I would choose the thing that really means something to me. Something I trust. Something I know will always have my back."
Polly nodded.
Flash back done
Polly stood Infront of her mirror.
"I would choose something that really means something to me. Something I trust. Something I know will always have my back."
I recalled 13 year old geroges advice.
Another tear rolled down my cheek.
I looked up to my light blue walls.
"I choose you."
I ran out of my house.
Down the hill.
Across streets.
Through parks.

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