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Polly's pov

George was diagnosed with lung cancer back in 1997. It's getting really bad.

I know he's not going to make it. It breaks my heart every single day I look at him.

When I look in his eyes I see his 16 year old self.

Annes not taking it well she's 25. She hasn't excatly been talking to me about it.

The thing is I don't know what I'm going to do without George.
Anne's pov

My dad's very sick. I honestly can't take it.

Seeing how horrible he looks.

I was sitting in my room listening to "something" by the Beatles. My dad wrote it for my mother.

I was looking through photo albums.

I came across a photo of my mother and father when they were kids. Mum was lying on dad and he had his arms wrapped around her.

A tear slipped and fell on dad's young face.
I turned it around.
I was surprised to see writing on the back.

I could see my mother's writing and my father's.
It read
Dear George,
I've known you for oh so long. I never knew until you left, I never felt it until you left. But I realised how much I need you.
George I'm sorry for kissing Paul, because I now realise it should've been you I was kissing.
George I love you.
Polly xx

I didn't realise how much I had been crying.
Seeing how much they were in love.

I read in my father's hand writing.

Polly I don't know when your reading this but I love you oh so much. I know one day I'll marry you. We'll have children! We'll be so happy together me and you, and you and me. ;)
I love you.

I was so sad at this point.

I want what they have.
I heard a knock at the door.
"Come in."
I sniffled.
My mum came in.
"Hey baby..."
I tried to smile but I ended up crying.
"Come here."
I hugged her with all my might.

"Let's go see your father."
She whispered.

I nodded.

We walked into the other room.
My dad was lying on a bed.

He looked deathly.
My tears stopped.

This may be the last time I see him, stick together Anne.

We sat on his bed.
I held his hand and he woke up.

"H-hey Annie."
He chocked out.

"Hey daddy how you feeling?"

"O-ohh I'm feeling fine I'll be out in no tim-."
Before he could finish he had a coughing fit.

I stroked his hand.
"My two beautiful girls."
I smiled.

"Please don't be sad when I'm gone."

"Dad don't say th-"
"Let me talk."

I nodded.
"This is all on me, all the smoking I did. It's all my fault. Don't you two ever blame yourselves.
Polly you are my everything. My childhood sweetheart, my wife, my best friend. You've been there for me through thick and thin. Love I love you so so very much. Sometimes I think you deserved better. I would never change a thing. You are the most beautiful girl I ever laid my eyes on. And on that faithful day I met you in the playground I will never forget. I spilt my chocolate milk on you on purpose, hoping I could start something which I did. I love you with all my heart. Please never forget that."

I watched as my mum cried.
"I never will george."
He smiled then looked to me.

"And Annie my sweet girl, you will grow up to be just like your mother. Your an amazing girl a beautiful girl at that. Don't you ever Doubt yourself. I love you so very much. If the world turns it back on you, turn your back on the world. You can have anything you want if you put your mind to it. Look after your mother for me love. I love you to the moon and back."

I just smiled and nodded.
I watched him for 2 more hours. He kept a closing his eyes and then opening them.

The doctor said we didn't have long left with him.

He smiled he looked so tired.
"I think you two should go. Don't watch me please."
He chocked on his words he was crying now.

The doctor came in and started pulling us out.

I yanked my arm out of the doctors and grabbed mum's.

We ran back to dad.
"I love you dad."
He smiled tears running down his cheeks.
"I love you Annie."
I smiled.

"And I love you polyester."
He said.
"And I love you Georgina."
He smiled and closed his eyes.

Mum and I started crying furiously.
Were his last words.

I hugged him and cried on him.
"Come on Anne!"
Mum pulled me off him.
"No! Dad I love you!"
I tried my hardest to fight against my mum.
I gave up
"Just let it be."
My mother sang softly in my ear.
"He's really g-gone isn't he."
"I'm afraid so."
Mum spoke back.
We laid down on her bed.
We hugged eachother crying and crying.
Talking about the memories.
Talking about him.

Polly's pov

He's gone. The love of my life is gone.
My mother
My father
Now him.
I cried all night.
"I love you georgie."
I whispered
"And I love you polyester."
I heard his voice.
It put me straight to sleep.

Goodbye george.

Omg I'm sorry but I had to put in something so very sad.
The story's nearly done.
But you'll be happy I promise!
Also I listened to let it be and across the Universe to write this.
Rest in peace George!
Rest in peace John!

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