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The next day....
Georges pov
I got up extra early this morning. I've already packed.

I ran downstairs and wrote a note for my parents. I ran over to Paul's house. He didn't live to far from me.

I knocked on the door, and Paul opened up.
"Ready to go then?"
I nodded.
Paul brought out his stuff and his guitar.

We caught a bus to mendips (where John lives.)
John came out. He didn't make any eye contact with me. I figured it was because if yesterday's little incident. But he deserved it for what he said about Polly.

Polly. I haven't even thought about her. I suggested it would be better if she didn't come to the train. Otherwise I probably would of changed my mind and stayed.

"Aye John."
John nodded to Paul's greeting.
"So where's Pete then?"
I asked.
"Oh uh he's not coming anymore."
Pauls mouth dropped.
"What and your telling us now?"
John put a cigarette in his mouth and lit it.
He put his sun glasses on and started walking over to the bus stop.
Paul looked at me.
"What's up with him?"
I shrugged.

Polly's pov
I woke up. The time was 6:30 oh shit Georges leaving in 10 minutes. I thought for a long 5 minutes, I decided whether or not George knew I needed to see him one last time.

So I chuckled on some trousers and a blouse.
I didn't even brush my hair, or bother doing my makeup. I needed to see him.
I ran out.
My mother said.
I slammed the door and ran to the bus stop.
Catching it to the train station.
I looked at the clock.
I mumbled but then.
Georges pov.

Paul John and I entered the train. I sat at the window already twidiling my thumbs.
"You alright george?"
Paul asked while combing his hair up into his quiff.
The train started but then.
Both Polly and georges pov
I saw Polly
I saw George.
I ran over to the train which was slowly leaving.
Polly ran over.
George put his hand up against the train. I held mine against it as well. I started walking with the train.
Polly started walking with the train still holding the glass where my hand was. I started laughing at her.
Then George started laughing at me. I gave him the finger.
She gave me the finger which made me laugh harder. John looked over my shoulder to see what the noise was he made eye contact with Polly.
Then John came over and made eye contact with me. He stared into the eyes. I stopped and took my hand off the glass.
Polly stopped and took her hand off the glass.
I blew george one last kiss.
Polly blew me a kiss and I pretended to catch it.
Polly stopped walk/Running with the train.
I waved at George.
Now only Polly's pov
I watched as his train sped up.
"Goodbye Georgie."
I mumbled holding two fingers to my mouth kissing them and I held them in the air.
I slowly walked home. Yeah I was sad. But also I was happy for George.

He told me when we were kids he wanted to be a rockstar when he grew up. His dreams are coming true. I'm very proud of him.

But the way John looked at me, he gave me an almost smile frown look.
He confused me so much.
I walked down pennylane. It was Weird because I was alone. I always walked down pennylane with George or paul and even Jane.

So for the first time in a while I felt alone.
The lads weren't here. Jane was in new York. Her mother wants her to be a model.
Jane is very beautiful. She looks like a model. Jane writes to me sometimes. She even said I should be a model. But I said I'm not cut out for that sorta work.

I walked home and crashed onto my bed.
I didn't want it to happen but a tear feel lose.

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