The other girl.

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Next day....
It was a Saturday morning and Paul had invited Polly to a diner. He said George might be coming round.
Polly was reluctant at first but she was determined to tell George how she feels so she obliged.
She got up from out of bed and made her way to her mirror.
She didn't looked half bad considering she cried all night.
Polly wanted to look really nice, so she braided her hair and did her make up.
She put on a white dress decorated with small pink flowers.
She looked in the mirror and she smiled.
"I look great."
Polly mumbled to herself.
She skipped down stairs to her parents.
"My goodness Polly!"
Her mother exclaimed looking her up and down.
"Do you like it?"
Polly asked with a wide smile plastered on her face.
Her mother nodded furiously.
"Oh my jelly bean look at you!"
Her father yelled from the table.
"Thanks dad!"
" I'm going to meet some friends at a diner so I'll see you guys latter."
"Ok love be safe!"
Polly nodded and walked out.
She went over to the diner, she saw Paul through the window. Although he seemed to be a bit upset. Polly got a very strange feeling.

She pushed that feeling to the back of her mind and walked in.
The bell on the door rang which drew Paul's eyes over to her. He gasped and smiled.
"Well well!"
He got up and hugged her.
"You look beautiful love."
She smiled into his shoulder
"Thanks Paulie."
She slid to the far side of the booth.
Paul sat next to her.
He looked very handsome.
But she was here for george.
There were two glasses of water Infront of them on the other side of the table.
Polly smiled thinking George and John were joining.
But boy was she wrong.
After a minute of Paul chatting to Polly, she watched a very beautiful girl come out of the toilets.
"Oh shit."
Paul mumbled.
Polly turned to face Paul.
He looked back over and Polly dropped the straw out of her mouth.
This mystery girl came out of the toilets holding Georges hand.
George looked up to Polly and smirked.
Polly watched George Push her up to the wall and kiss her furiously.
Polly watched in pure shock.
"Polly I was g-"
Polly got out of the booth and walked over to George who was a bit 'caught up'
"Y'know George I came here to tell you something but I guess you weren't ready."
Polly threw a Polaroid picture at him and stormed out of the diner tears falling down her cheeks.
"Why, why me?"
Georges pov
George was so excited to see the look on Polly's face when he kissed lacey.
Lacey was a friend of John's.
He set them up.
So it really was perfect.
George took Lacey to the toilets, he mainly just waited there until he made out polly walking in.
He waited a minute then came out hand in hand with Lacey.
He watched as Polly's straw dropped out of her mouth.
George smirked and pushed Lacey up against the wall and kissed her.
She was shocked but didn't stop.
He watched as Polly stormed over.
"y'know George I came here to tell you something but I guess your not ready."
George felt something hit him.
Suddenly he felt a bit guilty.
He let go of Lacey and picked up what seemed to be a Polaroid.
It was George and polly when they were kids.
He smiled, he turned it around seeing a little message on the back.

Dear George,
I've known you for oh so long. I never knew until you left, I never felt it until you left. But I realised how much I need you.
George I'm sorry for kissing Paul, because I now realise it should've been you I was kissing.
George I love you.
Polly xx

George mentally punched himself in the face.
"I love you to Polly."
A single tear rolled down his cheek.
"I love you to."
He repeated.

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