Where it all ended.

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There once was a little girl, she was different from the rest of little girls, her name you may ask? Well it's Anne Harrison. She has brown hair just like her father's.She has blue eyes just like her mother's. She was a smart girl, a very bright girl with a very beautiful personality just like her mother's. She was always a beautiful girl. A very Musical girl.
There once was a little boy, he was also different from the rest of little boys, his name you may ask? Well it's james McCartney. He has blonde hair like his mother's. He has brown eyes like his father's. He's an intelligent boy, a musical boy. Hes got a very loud personality. He has always been a handsome boy.
Lillys pov
I watched as grandma finished her story.
"Now that you know about the famous love story that brought our family together how do you feel?"
She asked.

"Granny will we ever meet George and Polly? There story sounds just like a perfect fairy tale!"
I said jumping up and down.
"No sorry love but you won't see them. But we can always Remember them."
I nodded feeling quite sad.

"You always tell us the story of George and Polly, why not James and Anne?"
I asked curiously.

"Well hunny that's another long story that's waiting to be told."
She said while she tucked me in.
"But now it's your time to make your own story."
I smiled and nodded.
"I want to meet someone like george!"
She smiled.
"He sure was something..."
I nodded.
"Ok well sleep tight my darling angle."
She kissed my head and walked out turning the light off.

Anne's pov
I tucked Lilly in and walked out.
I walked down the hallway passing that picture of Polly and George. Well mum and dad. The one with the writing on the back.
I smiled at it.
"I love you mum and dad."
I kissed the photo and walked down the hallway.
"Mum did you tell her George and Polly's story again?"
Lizzy asked.
"Lilly loves the story! I'll tell it until the day I die love!"
"What's the name of the story you've never told me that."
She asked.
I thought for awhile.
"I love it!"

"You better start telling it when I die."
I said.
"I will."
I smiled and hugged my daughter.
She asked.
"Yeah sweetheart?"
"Do you miss them?"
She asked.
I pulled back from our hug and looked into her eyes.
"Every single day."
Omg and there you have it fokes!
I hope you loved the story!
I know the timing with Anne being a grandma isn't right at all. But just go with it!
I loved writing this!

I might write another story so tune in!
Byyye xx

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