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3 weeks latter
Polly's POV

I was lying on my bed, bored out of my mind.
It's been three weeks since George left. Yes I may have cried. Yes I may of felt horrible. But George has kept his promise. He writes to me everyday. Well actually like once every two days.

But I'm quite worried because he hasn't written to me in a week.

The horrible thought of him being unfaithful
Hit me hard.
George would never do such a thing though.
George's pov
I sat in an arm chair tapping my feet. It's been three weeks since I've left. I miss Polly so much. I miss her hugs. I miss her kisses. I miss her.

I haven't really got the chance to write her everyday but I make it one of my main priorities.

Although something really REALLY bad happened. I feel sick to my stomach just thinking about it.

Four nights ago, the lads and I were playing at a gig. John being the twat he is, tricked me into drinking a lot. Like ALOT. As I was dancing I felt a tap on my shoulder. Some Germany lass turned me around and started snogging me. Like a full on make out.

John luckily pulled me off of her. Because I didn't stop. I'm afraid to think of what would've of happened if he hadn't of pulled me off.

Would I of shagged her?
I don't know what to do.
Will John tell Polly?
Should I tell her?

John's pov from 4 nights ago
George started drinking alot more then I anticipated.
He was dancing to the music swaying his hips. Holding a whiskey bottle.
I slightly laughed at the sight. He was only 16 it was probably the most he's drank.

I asked him if he wanted a drink of some "big boy juice" an hour ago. But he just kept on drinking and drinking.

I thought of Polly for a moment. I thought about how beautiful she is. The loud music was giving me a head ache. I just drowned everything out and thought of Polly.

I broke out of my day dream and looked back over to George. A smirk pulled on my lips. He was violently making out with some German bird.

I could be two people in this situation.
I could be evil and use this against George and tell Polly.
Or I could let everything play out.

I shook my head. I watched as there makeout session got more serious.
I knew for sure George was a virgin, he didn't know what he was doing.

George held her hand and started walking over to the toilets.
I decided this is where I come in.
I walked over.
"Aye George I think you've had enough partying for one night."
He frowned.
"John I can look after myself."
He stumbled over his own feet.
"Are you sure about that mate?"
The girl started kissing him again.
"Ok that's enough."
I pulled George off of her violently.

"John you git! I could've lost me virginity!"
I took him outside.
"Wouldn't you want to save that for Polly?"
Georges eyes widened. His face went white.
And without any warning he vomited his guts out onto me shoes.
He held his chest and slowly fell onto his bottom.
"Oh John what have I done?"
He held his head in his hands.
It was nearly 1:30 in the morning.
I could've made fun of him or even left.
But I helped him up and put his arm around my shoulder.
"Your going to go to bed for now mate then you can worry about this while you have a raging head ache."
We walked down the dark streets of Germany.
We would stop sometimes for George to vomit, or stop and breath.
Georges pov current time
I was pacing back and fourth through our scummy motel room. Only John knows about what I did. I walked back over to the small desk. I had written Polly a letter explaining what had happened. Then I wrote one saying sorry not for writing and that everythings fine.

"Think george think!"
I hit my head.
Paul and John were out buying cigarettes so I was alone.
I decided what to send and I got my jacket.
I walked down to the lobby and outside.
I posted my letter and hoped for Polly to reply.
"I'm sorry Polly."
I said as I dropped my letter down into the letter box.
Polly's pov.
It's been one week and a day, still no letter. That is until this afternoon.
I was doing my nails and listening to one of my favourite records.

"Polly you've got mail!"
I practically jumped out of my chair. Run/walking since my toes were in the toe holder things when you do them.
I had a nail polish container in my mouth.

I ran to the table beside the door.
Two letters. My heart was beating out of my chest.
I took them and ran back up to my room.
I jumped on my bed and opened one.
Dearest Polly,
I hope your well. I know your probably expecting a letter from George not me.
Although sadly I have some bad news.
You may not believe me, but I'm telling you because if he doesn't that would be the wrong thing.
I put the letter down and took a deep breath in. It must of been John who was writing me. Because of the messy handwriting.
I continued reading it.
It's been now 5 nights since I caught George who was mind you HIGHLY intoxicated snogging with some also drunk German girl.
He was about to take it way further with her but luckily I stepped in. When I mentioned your name to him, he vomited instantly.
He's crazy about you Polly, but what I saw those nights ago almost made me think he forgot about you.
I'm sorry to be the bear of bad news.

Love, John

I dropped the letter.
"What the fuck."
I mumbled.
I ran over to the toilet and dry heaved.
Just the thought of George touching another girl made me sick.
John's words replayed.
"Forgot about you."
I was in tears.
He forgot about me?!
After about two hours of a mental breakdown I built up the courage to read the other letter.

My cheeks were stained with tears.
My eyes were stinging.
I sniffled and opened the letter.
To polyester
I already knew it was George.
Sorry for not writing to you. I've been very quite busy with the band. We don't have a drummer so we're always stressed especially paul.
I've missed you so much. I can't wait to hold you.
I dropped the letter.
Was John lying?
Or was George?
My head started to throb.
I'm all alone as well so I don't have anyone to tell.
What do I do?

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