Goodbye for now 2

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1959 (back to where we were."
Polly's pov.

I was sitting at my window slightly crying. George my boyfriend was leaving, for a coupple of months! That's right a coupple of months!

I loved him, but he's going. I soon remembered something similar to this occasion. I ran to my desk and opened all of its drawers.
"Nope, nope, nope, got ya!"
After digging under homework assignments. Drawings pictures. I found what I was looking for.

I pulled it up and started crying just at the sight of it.
It was an old piece of paper from 1951 when George and I were 8, george was leaving for camp. I remember it because I was so shocked.
But I remember how happy I was when he came back.
Flash back to 1951
Polly was sitting at her window watching the rain come down. She sighed. She's basically been alone the past 2 weeks. I mean she had Jane, Tim. Many friends but none of them could replace george. Polly sat there rolling a pen lid between her fingers.
"I wonder what george is doing right now."
I got up and went to the bathroom, when I came back my heart stopped.
Wait? No it can't be.... It hasn't been 3 weeks. Holy crap. It is!! Its....
He ran out of his parents car in the rain.
I ran all the way down and jumped into his arms. We were getting wet but we didn't care.
"Polly! I missed you so much!!!"
"So did I! But it's only been 2 weeks and a day."
"Yeah because of the rain, I left earlier. I also wanted to see you!"
George picked her up and spun her around.
"Don't leave me again George please?"Polly mumbled into his ear.
"I won't."
He whispered back.
Flash back over.

Polly smiled at the memory. She sat back at the window watching the stars. Until she saw a figure run into her lawn.
I whispered.
I ran out to him.
I jumped on top of him.
"Please please please please! Don't leave."
He looked into my eyes.
"I'm sorry babe I have to."
I pulled out the contract from my pocket.
"No see you can't."
I cried.
He looked at it.
"Wow I remember this."
I smiled.
"You solemy sweared not to leave me again!"
We both started to laugh.
"I know Polly, but I'll write to you every day."
"How many times d-"
Polly raised her voice.
George replied.
Polly kissed him.
"I'm going to miss you."
"Me too."
George said.
"Now I need to go. I need some sleep."
Polly looked at the ground, then back up to him.
"Goodbye for now then?"
George said. Just like she did those so many years ago.
Polly hugged him tightly and kissed him once again.
George smiled and walked back off.
Polly watched as his shadow fadded off into the distance.
I repeated.
I ran back up to my room.
George was gone.
I won't see him for 4 months.
I was lost in thought when I heard a tap at my window.
I rolled my eyes thinking George was back, but when I looked over. It wasn't George. Infact it was someone I least expected.
It was. John.
"Hey love can I come in?"
He shout whispered from the ground.
I thought about it. John like hates me now. Why would he be here? Why was he calling me love? This is probably the most he's spoken to me in months.
I came to to the window.

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