Where it all started

594 13 4

Pollys pov
Polly ran through the rain trying to get to Georges house. She loves him! She loves George!
She needs to tell him.
What will happen?
Does he still love me?
I pushed all the negative thoughts to the back of my head.
It was raining down really hard now.
She loves rain but at this moment rain was kinda pissing her off.
George hates rain.
George and Polly were in English class. They were sitting beside each other. Polly watched the rain come down heavily.
She looked down at George he was scribbling something down onto a piece of paper.
"Mr Harrison would you like to share what your doing with the class?"
Mrs brown exclaimed.
I couldn't help but chuckle.
George looked up shyly.
"Sure miss."
This surprised me. George is always shy in class. But I was interested in what was going to happen.
"Ok then come up."
George did just that. He stood Infront of the chalk board.
"I was drawing a picture of how much I hate rain."
He showed it to the class then sat back down.
I hit my head with hand.
He's such a smart ass.
"Why don't you like rain Mr Harrison?"
George looked up and smirked.
"Because it just ruins good days miss. That's just my personal opinion."
The teacher looked puzzled.
I looked at the drawing. I was puzzled as well.
"But miss someone actually changed my mind on rain."
"Who might that be?"
"Miss Matthews."
I blushed and looked down.
The drawing was of George and her. Dancing in the rain.
I felt heat rise up to my cheeks.
"Well I'm glad then Mr Harrison."
He nodded and winked at me.
"You bastard."
I whispered.
Flashback done

Polly smiled. She slicked her now wet blonde hair back and kept walking.
After 10 minutes of walking in hard hard rain, I reached Georges house. I took a deep breath in and knocked on the door.
I hugged myself.
"Oh my, Polly! Are you ok?"
Georges mum looked me up and down.
"W-what happened to you love?"
I shivered.
"I-i-is george in?"
She shook her head.
"He stormed out an hour ago love. do you want to come in?"
I sighed in sadness.
"No it's ok but thank you anyways."
Before she could protest I ran down there street. He's gone.
That was my maybe my only chance. He's probably with that girl snogging her somewhere not thinking of me at all.
Tears ran down my cheeks but it looked discreet because it was raining already.
I ran to a bus stop. A bus rolled around the corner. I have to get out of here. I need to go somewhere I trust.
The man opened the door and looked me up and down.
"Another one of you crazy people. Sorry love but your soaking wet. Your not coming on me bus."
I frowned.
"Please sir."
He shook his head shut the door and drove off.
I mumbled.
"Just my fucking luck."
"No bird swears like that."
I turned around to see a man. He looked familiar.
"Remember me? You bumped into me yesterday."
Oh shit that guy.
He nodded.
"Oh yeah sorry about that."
He had an umbrella.
"That's alright love."
"I didn't catch your name?"
"Oh sorry where are my manners! I'm Polly!"
He smiled
"Beautiful name!"
I chuckled.
"Do you need a hand?"
He looked me up and down.
I looked like a mess. My clothes were absolutely drenched my mascara had drizzled down my cheeks and my eyes were red from crying.
"Honestly Richard, if it was anyother day I would say yes, but I need to be alone at the moment."
He smiled.
"No I get it."
I smiled.
I kissed his cheek. I smiled as I watched him blush under my kiss.

I left and walked off into the now heavy rain.
I was getting terribly cold.
My heart broke when I saw a road that was very special to me.
When George and I were 14 we danced in the rain over here.
"I'm singing in the rain."
I mumbled.
I walked over to starwberry feilds. I needed to just clam down.
George and I obviously weren't meant to be.
Only fate would put us together at this point.
I walked over to a tree George and I use to climb. I decided not to climb it because I needed to let him go. Until I heard a familiar voice.
"You've really fucked up this time haven't you Harrison."
I looked up to see. No is it?! Really!
George was in the tree just as wet as I was.
"You sure have Georgina."
I said with a wide grin on my face.
"Yes g-george it's me!"
I let all my emotions flow out.
This is the man I love I'm never letting him go.

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