But do you really?

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Janes pov 1954
I ran out of Polly's history room giggling.
I know Polly loves George.

She's always going on about the lad.
I think Paul's better looking though.

I was looking for Polly to ask if I could sleep the night.

I really don't want to be at home, my mother is always on me about becoming a model.

But I really don't think I have the looks for that.

I'll just ask Polly at lunch, that is if she's not on about bloody George the whole Dam time.

They really should just get together, but no Polly Denies all feelings of him. Which is really ridiculous because I just walked in on them basically on the verge of kissing!

Can't wait to nag Polly on this.
I mean we are only 11, but I think Polly's in love.
I walked down to the grass areas where Polly and I sit.

I saw her there already writing in a book.

I ran down and plopped my bag down next to her.


"Don't start Jane, I know your gonna ask me many questions but can we just do this another time."

I understood her. Polly's the kind of girl that gets really embarrassed, even in front of her best friends. She doesn't open up to easily but she does to me.


"Yeah uh Polly I was going to ask if I could sleep at yours tonight."
Polly looked up from her book and smiled.

"Yeah of coarse Jane!"
I smiled.
"Is mamma Asher acting up again?"
I looked down.
I felt Polly wrap her arms around me.
"It's going to be ok, remember what I told you."

I smiled.
Polly's POV
I really do love Jane. But she has a big problem with her mother. Her mother wants her to be a model. But Jane just really doesn't want that.

It breaks me when I see how sad Jane gets, but I always try to cheer her up.

Schools ended and I'm meeting Jane at the front gates.

I walked down with George. We've had this really awkward tension between us, hopefully it will pass.

"So how was your day Georgie?"
He looked up.
"Yeah it was ok I suppose how bout yours,"
"Well yeah it's been eventful, janes staying over tonight. So you probably shouldn't come tonight."
He looked a bit sad.

George always comes over most nights, I help him study. But we mostly just mess around with each other.

Jane saw us and waved. I smiled and turned to George.

"Well I'll see you tomorrow then George."
He nodded and smiled, it looked like he wanted to say something but he didn't. I patted his back and ran to Jane.

Georges pov
"Well I'll see you tomorrow then George."
Say something! Tell her how you feel! She's going! Don't let her go! You love her! You need her!
Instead of spilling all my emotions out to her, I nodded and smiled.


She looked a bit sad, but she patted my back and ran off to Jane.

Jane nodded at me, I smiled.

I watched as the two walked off.

I stood there. I jumped when I felt someone hit my shoulder.

It was Paul he had a lollipop in the side of his mouth.

"Next time mate."
I looked down and Paul walked off to some other birds.

I watched as he just entered the group of girls, they were all over him.

Why couldn't I be like him?
I'm only 11 sure. He may be 13.

But still.
Such a coward.

Polly's pov
Around about 3:53 Jane and I arrived at mine.

We stopped by a cafe for a drink.

I knocked on the door.

"Well hello Jane! How are you?"
My mother answered.

Jane smiled.
"I'm well! And you?"

"Oh well, I'm good. Same old same old. Well come in before you catch a cold!"

We walked in.
"Dinners almost ready so do you gir-"
"Oh mum we've already eaten thank you though!"
I kissed her cheek, Jane and I ran up to my room.
We showered and got into sleeping wear. Jane borrowed one of my night dresses she admires.

She walked over to the mirror. Observing herself.

She pulled it up so you could see her knickers.
I watched a bit confused.
"Do you think I could be a model?"
She said. Running her hands down her body.

"Jane your a beautiful girl. I think you could be whatever you want to be. Think for yourself. Not for your mother."
She smiled and pulled her night dress down.

"Thanks Polly."
She sniffled.

It was a touchy subject for her.
She doesn't know what she wants to be.
But her mother wants her to model.

I don't think Jane is completely ok with that.
We sat on my bed.

"So what about Tommy hicul?"
We were deciding on how good looking guys were in our year.

Jane was Infront of me, I was braiding her hair.
Typical of us to.

"Nah he's not that good looking.... Hah what about Paul?"
Jane giggled.
"Definitely he's suchhhhh a babe."
Jane said in an American accent sending us both into laughter.
Jane said. I could tell she was smirking.

"Uh he's ok."
Jane Turned around causing me to ruin the braid.
"Oi! You ruined the braid!"

"Uh he's ok? Are you daft! You love him."

"N-n-no I don't..."
"Do so!"
"Do not!"
"Do so!"
My mum came in.
"Girls can you be a bit quieter we're trying to sleep!"
She shut the door. But came back in.
"Polly you do so."
I scolded at my mum.
Jane started laughing.
"See! It's obvious!"

I didn't reply. I continued my braid.
Jane and I fell asleep that night.

But thoughts were flying around in my head.
Do I really love him?

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