Yes yes yes yes yes!

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Polly's pov
We stayed at Johns for a while, but it got late and I didn't want George to get to drunk. George seemed a bit on edge for the rest of the night.

I walked up to Jane, she was talking to Cynthia in the kitchen.
"Hey, I think George and I should go. Don't want him getting to out of it tonight."

"Yeah paul and I should be going to."
Jane said
"Girls! Don't leave me with john!"
We started laughing.
I gathered up George and Paul, we walked out.
"Well Cynthia I'll probably see you at the studio some time. Lovely seeing you babe."
I hugged her.
"Yes nice seeing you!"
She said as I started walking to the car.
Jane said her goodbyes and we all left.
George didn't speak to me on the ride, which concerned me. He didn't even look at me!

Paul dropped George and I off.
I turned to Jane.
"Don't you dare leave me for a month again miss Asher!"
She smiled and hugged me.
"I won't! I'll call you tomorrow. Night."
I smiled
"Bye Paulie be safe."
He nodded and I hoped out.

George had already gone inside.

I walked in locking the door behind us.
I chucked the keys in a bowl on a table.

I took my jacket off and my shoes.
George took some whiskey out of the drawers, again completely ignoring me.

I walked over to him I held his arms in mine.
"Babe what's up?"
He didn't make eye contact with me.
I leaned up to kiss his lips, but he moved his head so I kissed his cheek.

I frowned.
"What beetle?"
He mumbled.
"What do you mean?"
I asked.
"Don't act stupid Polly, I saw the way you and John looked at each other."
I was completely taken aback.

"What the fuck do you mean George?"
It didn't take me much to get angry.

"You know what I mean! When he mentioned the beetle! You two smashed up. When you were screaming fuck george?!"

Wait how did he know that....
"How do you know that?"

"I was there Polly! I went looking all over Liverpool for you! It looks like you and John had some sort of moment. But I saw the way you to looked at each other."

"George what are you even suggesting?"

"Oh Polly, I'm suggesting you loveeee John."
George said in a girly voice mocking my tone.

"You really think that's what I'd do to you."
I said my tone going from angry to sad.

He didn't answer.
I threw a picture I had found at john's that I was saving to show George.

It was us in strawberry feilds.
My hair was braided and George was hugging me.

I remember Cynthia taking the photo.

I stormed off into the bathroom.
I slammed the door behind me and sat on the toilet lid.

I quietly cried to myself, did George really think I would do that?
He obviously doesn't know me well.

Georges pov
I saw the way they looked at each other, it broke my heart.

Tonight I was going to propose to Polly.
I'm absolutely crazy about her.
We've been in a relationship for nearly 6 years!
Let alone known each other for 15 years.

I thought it was time. We have everything we ever wanted together.

Being in one of the most famous bands at the moment isnt easy. But Polly always listens to me, she understands me.

I'm just scared one day she'll disappear.
My guardian angle.
My life.
My everything.

Polly is everything I want.
I don't care about the Beatles.
I don't care about money and fame.

As long as I'm with Polly, I've got everything I need.

I love her with every single part of my body.
I love her so much it scares me.

I need to do this.
Polly Harrison.
It has a ring to it.

I walked over to the bathroom and knocked on the door.

I heard sniffles.
"George I don't want to talk to you right now."
She said.

I opened the door.

"Listen Polly. I'm sorry. I know I over reacted but I've been worried for the past week. Polly I love you so much it scares me. You are my everything. Your all I need. When I was a kid I never thought that you'd be the one. But when I got to know you, your quirks your smile you.
I found out I loved you. I'm sorry for being such a douche. I'm sorry for future years of me being a douche. All I need is you and I'll be good to go. On that faithful day when I spilt chocolate milk on your dress lead us to this day, this moment this very second. I want to spend the rest of my life with you Polly.  I've actually done this twice now....Will you do the honour of becoming my wife?"
I bent down on one knee and brought out a tiny red box.

I hadn't noticed I was crying, so was she.
I watched as she covered her mouth with her hands.

"I'm sor-"
She jumped on top of me.
"Yes Georgie! Yes yes yes yes yes!"
I held her and we spun around.

I crashed us both on our bed.
We started laughing.

I passed Polly the box, she opened it and gasped.

"Oh George I love it! I love you!"
She smiled and held my face.

She leaned in and rolled on top of me.
She started kissing me passionately.

I rolled us over so I was on top.

I pulled off.
"Promise  to be mine forever polyester?"
She smiled.
She looked so beautiful, so in her own element.
So polyester.
"Yours forever."
She said.

I closed the gap between us.
One thing lead to another and we both ended up having some fun time together.

Polly fell asleep in my arms.
Her little naked body pressed up against mine is something I want to last forever.

Oh how much I love you Polly.
And I'll be Forever yours.
Omg so cutttteeee! I had to skip in time because I want the story to go by. It will probably be a coupple of chapters then the wedding.

Then I'll skip again.
Plewse vote!
Hope you liked it!!!

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