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Muse tiredly got ready for the weekly Monday shooting of the "I live alone" episode as she was now permanently a cast member, she got seated in her seat beside Park narae and the guest of the day.

The guest of the day was rapper Simon Dominic of Aomg and Muse was super excited since she was a huge fan of K-hip hop, everything he said she reacted to it quite rapidly making the cast members tease her non stop.

Muse usually had a love line with Kian84 who also was a permanent member on the show, it's a tactic the show's staff created to attract viewers but in real life they were just close friends. The cast jokingly teased Kian84 saying that Simon D was trying to steal Muse away from him.

During the filming, she actually felt bad towards Simon D because he was having a hard time with his comeback album and it made her heart ache saying how he was struggling and clearly depressed which was something she was going through as well.

"I really wasn't going to say this because I thought he might feel uncomfortable, but I am a fan of his"

"Oh that's an honor!" He exclaimed happily as he lookedover at Muse.

"I am his fan too" Narae jokingly jumped into the converstaion making Simon look at her. "Please always remain as a fan" He teased her making everyone laugh out loud.

"Were you always his fan?" Hyunmoo asked Muse and she nodded. "I am a huge fan of hip hop and he a well respected rapper..."

"How can you have a change of heart this quick?" Kian84 cut her off which made people laugh. "She likes him as a fan" Han hyejin added quickly to help Muse out.

After Simon Dominic's part was over they moved on to watch Muse's part, it was about her having an off day and meeting up with her friends which were quite famous. Footballer Park Juho and his wife Anna, she and Anna were bst friends since she visited them in The return of superman.

On the monitor, Muse was seen driving her brand new black Tesla making the hosts' jaw drop in surprise.

"You brought a new car?" Park Narae asked in a shoked tone. Muse nodded her head while slightly giggling. "I have an unhealthy obssession with luxury cars"

"Woah she's rich " Lee Si Eon commented and everyone laughed and agreed with him, she definitely was rich and self made.

"Where are you going?" Simon Dominic asked Muse and she turned to answer him. "I was going to go pick up my friend so we can go shopping"

Muse's car came to a stop in front of a blonde woman who smiled immediately upon seeing her. "Oh is this Park Jooho's wife?" Jun Hyunmoo asked and Muse nodded.

"Komm rein (Get inside)" Muse spoke in German and they all gasped pretty surprised by the fact that she can speak german. 

"No way! You can speak german?" Hyejin asked in utter disbelief. "I do, I learned it for fun and then fell in love with the language so I took private lessons so I am quite fluent in it" 

"Wow unbelievable!!" They exclaimed in unision and wnet back to watching the clip.

"Wie geht es Dir mein Schatz? (How are you doing, my darling?)" Anna asked Muse as they exchanged a warm hug. 

"Mir geht es gut, was ist mit dir? Die Kinder? Dein mann? (I am doing fine, what about you? The kids? Your husband?) " Muse asked then started driving to the mall.

"Den geht es allen gut. Jooho lässt auch grüß er wollte dich um einen Gefallen bitten"  (They are all doing great, by the way Jooho says hi also he has a favor to ask you)" Anna said then fished her phone out of her purse to call her husband.

"Ach echt? (Ah really?)" She wondered what would the favor be, the car came to a stop at a red sign and Anna's husband finally answered the call.

"Oppa, I am here with Muse, tell her what you wanted to ask her" She said and passed her the phone, she talked with in korean since he was korean.

"Yuna-ah, I have a small favor to ask" He called her by her real name since they were close like brother and sister. "Sure"

"You know player Son Heungmin, right?" He asked and she smiled. The hosts panel all looked at each other at the mention of Son Heungmin since he was legendary in korea, a true treasure to the nation, everyone loved him and respected him even Muse was enamored with him.

"Of course I do" She said as she grew even more curious to know what he wanted to ask her.

"Well, we are celebrating his birthday here and we wanted you to send him a video message since he is a real fan of you, we thought it will be an amazing birthday present for him" 

"Oh that would be amazing, I will let Anna record me and we will send it to you" She said and then bid her farewell to him. Her and Anna stopped at a coffee shop to get their daily dose of coffee and record the video message.

"Kann ich so filmen ist mein autfit so okay? (Can I film like this?Is my outfit okay?)" Yuna asked Anna and she nodded her head. "Du siehst wunderschön aus (You look gorgeous)" 

Anna got her phone camera ready as Muse checked her appearance one last before looking back up at the camera that was facing her. 

"Hello Son Heung Min, I am singer Muse, I heard that it was your birthday today, I wish you the best day ever, you are an amazing footballer who looks incredibly cool on the pitch, I wish you many more years of greatness to come and happy birthday. Bye Bye!!" 

Anna sent the video along with a picture she took of Muse. A few minutes later, her phone buzzed and she let out a shriek startling Muse and the hosts in the process.

"Why? What happened?" Jun Hyunmoo asked Muse and she just grinned as she mentioned for them to keep on watching .

"Warum? Was ist los? (Why? What's wrong?)" Muse asked hastily as she put down her cup of coffee. Anna showed her the phone and Muse's eyes widened and she let out a shriek herself. Jooho had sent them a reaction video of Son Heung Min seeing Muse's video message.

The players gathered around Son as they sang him happy birthday, then Jooho approached him while handing him his phone.

"Take a look at this, this is your birthday present" He said as the players looked at each other while grinning at each other.

"Huh? My present?" He asked while looking at them with a puzzled expression, Jooho reached over and pressed play, Muse's face popped up and he gasped in shock.

"Oh my god!" He expressed as he watched the video play before his eyes, he focused on her beautiful face with a huge smile on his. The video ended and he looked up at them with a grin then shyly looked down making the players tease him.

"This is the best gift ever" He exclaimed loudly and they all laughed. The video ended and Muse was incredibly happy that he liked her birthday present. 

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