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Yuna had a secret and she didn't want to tell Son about it in order to surprise him, she was told a few weeks ago that the Asian Games representative have chosen her to represent Korea in the opening ceremony and perform there.

She was quietly preparing for the event as she was incredibly nervous and worried that she'll ruin it given the fact that this was a huge event and people in Asia will all tune in to watch it.

Today, her staff members were all having a meeting in the company meeting room so they can discuss the costumes she'll wear and the hairstyle she'll rock. Many high fashion brands were willing to collaborate with her.

"I just want something fancy but easy to dance in at the same time" Muse expressed her wishes to the stylists that were sitting with her in the meeting room, they all nodded and looked at each other.

Her main stylist stood up and took out her projector and started her slide show, she told them about the different styles they were preparing for her and the colors that will make her pop because the stadium is huge and it's dark but all lights will focus on her as she stands in the middle and sings.

During the meeting, her phone started buzzing and Muse waited until the stylists started talking between them and then she answered her boyfriend' text messages.

Sonny: (babe, why didn't you tell you're performing at the asian games??)

Yuna: (Oops, just wanted to surprise you!)

Sonny: (I am so proud of you!)

The title songs of her new mini album were released a few hours ago and the response from the general public was quite good. During her meeting earlier, the staff decided that she will start promotions once she gets back from the asian games but rather than performing in music shows, she will have a small Asian tour.

During reheasal, Muse was asked to join the CEO in his office and she got nervous since she hasn't told anyone of her relationp,, heck not even her parents nor sister know her secret. She knocked and got inside he raised his head and mentioned for her to sit down.

She sat on the couch facing him and nervously cleared her throat, he went over the sales that her mini album made during the first hours and showed her the scheduled planned for next month after the Asian games and incredibly packed was a great way to describe it.

"If we're done with our meeting can I leave?" She asked and was about to stand up when he took out an envelope then angrily slammed it onto his desk.

"Explain" He said and Muse reached over and took a look at what was inside it, those were pictures of her and Son during the multiple dates they had over the past few weeks. She couldn't believe her eyes, she really thought that they weren't being followed and that no one knew of them.

"What do I have to explain? I am a 20 years old woman, I have been in the industry for over so long and I've only lived my life for people, isn't it time for me to have some happiness in my life? Every man I've dated, either used me for fame or cheated on me. Do you think I don't deserve to have someone who loves me for me and only looks at me?" She broke down and he sighed while rubbing his face in frustration.

"Of course you have the right to do whatever you please but why him? Why does it have to be him?" He asked and Muse furrowed her brows and looked at him in utter confusion.

"What do you mean by that?" She asked and he bit his lips then spoke up.

"You know that he's a womaniser, he dated multiple female idols and then dumped them when he got tired of them. Do you want to be the same as them? Do you want to be known as the female idol who got dumped by football star Son?" He asked her as his tone grew angrier each time he spoke.

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