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It was Muse's last day in Indonesia and it just perfectly hapenned to be a Sunday so the couple decided to go out and enjoy their last date together before she had to go back to Korea at night.

"So what do you have to do when you get back?" he asked once they were inside the elevator.

"Well, I am going straight from here to touring. The company decided to get me a showcase tour instead of promotions on music shows" she explained as she checked out her face in the mirror.

They put on their masks once they've reached the lobby and hand in hand ,left the hotel to explore around the city a little bit.

A little coffee shop downtown was their first destination for the day to get breakfast then headed to a park to just chill on the grass and talk.

"So you're basically  planning to leave your company when your contract ends?" He asks his girlfriend who got settled next to him on the grass.

"Yes, I've been with them since I was 12 years old and honestly I need a little change" She confessed and he nodded in understandment then moved to lay his head on her lap.

"Are you comfortable?" She asked with a smile as she run her fingers through his hair.

"Yes very much, thank you"

Silence took over them a bit as Muse admired his face while he had his eyes closed with a small smile on his lips.

"Do you think we'll last?" She broke the silence and he opened his eyes instantly

"Of course. Why? Do you think the opposite?" He sat up this time as he looked intensely at her face while she just looked down.

"I honestly don't know. If fights don't break us up then distance will"

"We can try to work our relationship out. We'll call, text each other every day. I'll make sure to come to your shows whenever I am free and you come to my games when you have time. We'll go on vacations, we'll spend holidays together" He explained desperately but she just kept quiet. He sighed and cupped her face in his hands and locked eyes with her.

"You just have to trust me" He whispered and she nodded her head while smiling.

The couple went out then for lunch and had traditional Indonesian food then headed back to the hotel so that Muse can get ready for the airport.

"You have to make it to the finals no matter what" She said as she zipped up her jacket and put on her black cap.

"I'll make sure to dedicate my goals to you, you just have to stay glued to the TV so that you can see my heart signal to you"

"Oh God no, the media will have a field day if you do that" She exclaimed and he shrugged his shoulders.

"So? Let them have fun writing articles and overanalyzing stuff, everyone knows we're dating, I don't have to hide my growing feelings for you anymore"

"Aww cute" She said and kissed his cheek quickly, a knock was heard coming from the door and her manager's voice announcing that it was time to go.

They got down to the lobby where the other players and the coach waited for her to say goodbye to her. Over the course of these days, she got quite close with the players and they took her in as their little sister.

"Have a safe flight Yuna. Make sure to cheer for us!" The coach said as he hugged her while she giggled.

"Of course I'll cheer for you no matter what. I have a feeling you'll win" She said and they grinned.

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