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Her sister flew out to her to keep her company in these hard times, the company won the trial against that comedian and she got a restraining order against her. South Korea made it to the semi finals of the Asian Games and even tough she didn't want to see him anymore but she was proud of her country and the players who achieved amazing results.

A month had passed after the break up, they never talked since then but he still liked her instagram posts from now and then. Before the start of her new concert in Tokyo, she decided to go and get a new tattoo to get her mind off of things.

It was a small "breathe" on her hand, it will remind her to breathe when her anxiety or depression kicked in, it was a reminder of when things get hard along the way, she should just sit back and breathe

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It was a small "breathe" on her hand, it will remind her to breathe when her anxiety or depression kicked in, it was a reminder of when things get hard along the way, she should just sit back and breathe.

It was a small "breathe" on her hand, it will remind her to breathe when her anxiety or depression kicked in, it was a reminder of when things get hard along the way, she should just sit back and breathe

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Liked by hm_son7,perriedwards,sstaeyeon and 2.852.215 others

@iam_your_muse: new ink 👀

@JesyNelson: Gorgeous

@PerrieEdwards: It looks so good on you

@Username1: You should stop getting these tattoos you will ruin your body

----@iam_your_muse: You said it yourself "Your body", mind your own business!!

@username2: Oh she snappedd

@username3: people should really mind their own business

@username4: i love this new muse, yess queen go off

It was the first time in these past months that Muse had felt truly happy and satisfied, she stood up for herself on social media on her account that had nearly 50 million followers. She was always strong minded and stood up for justice but lately the comments had really gotten the best of her but to be able to go back to her old self was unbelievable. It may seem somewhat dumb to some but it meant that was slowly getting her confidence back and once she'll get it fully back it's over for hoes.

During her stay in Tokyo, she got a call from Ed Sheeran's manager asking for a collaboration with her. She gladly accepted the offer because Ed was just a phenomenal artist, the song was a soft love song, the both of them wrote their own lyrics and exchanged them on messages once they both got the theme right, they immedaitely started recording and in only five days the song was done and ready for release.

It charted incredibly well upon it's release, it got to number one instantly on the billboard charts and everyone was going crazy for it. It was an absolute smash hit!

Muse started getting love calls from american labels since they undertstood that she was a very influental artist and signing her would bring them incredible amount of cash. Her agency back in Korea made a deal with Columbia records and signed a multi million dollar deal with them.

Meaning that she will get promoted on the international side pretty heavily, her songs would be on radio shows, go on american talk shows, get a world tour, she wasn't going to lose her idol roots but expanding her career on an international basis was a dream that many people rarely achieve.

The first thing that the label had planned for her was a call interview on Ryan Seacrest, she was confortable on the hotel bed next to her sister waiting for the call when her manager knocked and handed her the phone.

R: Good Morning everyone, this Ryan Seacrest and I am officially joined now by an incredible artist called Muse.

M: Hello everyone and good morning, this is Muse.

R: You're a phenomenon here in the US, it's crazy how you took the world by storm.

M: Oh thank you, it's an honor for me to be received so warmly by you guys.

R: I heard you are performing tonight in Tokyo, right?

M: Yeah I am

R: Do you still get nervous when you are about to go on stage, I heard you have been in the industry for close to ten years now, that is mental!

M: I am not nervous at the moment, I am pretty chill but just like five minutes before when I am waiting for my cue, I freak out a bit and try to just jump around to forget the nerves but the minute I step foot on stage, I forget all about it.

R: That's brilliant, I can tell you're very passionate about your stuff. Also I wanted to say congratulations for getting number one on the billboard charts for like three consecutive weeks now. How crazy is that?

M: It's crazy actually that I was able to sing with Ed Sheeran because he is my favorite singer of all time and I'm not joking. We wrote the song together and communicated during the whole process, he was just an amazing human to talk with.

R: That's amazing, you are both incredible and the song sounds so sweet. Talk to us a bit about your tour, how is it going?

M: It is just a small showcase tour that I planned with my label to promote the album, it isn't anything crazy, I chose small venues so it feels a bit more intimate rather than a huge stadium.

R: Muse tell me when we'll get to have a world tour and to see you here in America?

M: Umm, I don't want to spoil anything yet because I just got signed to an american label and we're working on new things everyday so I'll just say one word "Soon".

R: Oh such a tease! We had an amazing time with you, hope to see you here in front of us. Thank you for this amazing interview, stay tuned we will plaey "I was made for loving you" Muse featuring Ed Sheeran.

M: Oh thank you, hope to see you as well! Bye everyone!

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