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(hm_son7 liked Iam_your_muse post)

(hm_son7 started following Iam_your_muse)

Muse followed him back and set aside her phone so she could focus on rehearsing her new song "Peek a boo" which was the title of her new mini album.

Muse's phone buzzed non stop during her practice session, but the sound drowned in the loud music coming from the huge speakers in the company's practice room.

Half an hour later, the choreographer decided to grant everyone a well deserved break so they can rest and grab something to eat.

Muse crouched down to check her phone and she nearly gasped at the sight of the seven missed calls from Anna.

"Oh god, I am so sorry I missed your calls. What's wrong?" Muse frantically asked but Anna gently calmed her down.

"I have a favor to ask you" Anna shyly said making her sigh in relief.

"Oh my god, you scared the crap out of me. Sure go ahead"

"Today is our wedding anniversary and I was wondering if you could babysit the kids for the night. If you are too busy, it's okay we can ..." Muse cut her off before she finished her sentence. "I still have an hour left of practice, I'll shower and come over"

"Thank you so much darling" Muse giggled and hanged up the phone to go back to her practice. An hour later, Muse drove her car to Anna's apartment, she knocked on the door waiting for the nanny to open up but instead she was met with the footballer she sent the video to a few weeks ago.

"hello?" Muse greeted in a questioning tone, Heung Min shrugged his shoulders and smiled at her.

"Well get inside and I'll explain everything" He said and opened the door wider for her to get inside , she carefully walked in as he trailed behind her then both of them got settled on the sofa.

"I was told that I was going to babysit kids today but I didnt expect to see you here at all" She xplained and he chuckled. "I guess they tricked both of us, here's what I found" He passed her the sticky note he found on the fridge.

"Hello lovelies, you might be wondering where are the kids? I am sorry but there is no kids for you to babysit, we just wanted you guys to have a chat and hang out together because you both are fans of each other. Have fun, the house is all yours!" Muse read out and then glanced back at him who just snickered lightly.r

"You down for it?" He asked and she shrugged while smiling. "Sure it's been a while since i've hanged out with someone and had a talk" 

"Me too" He confessed as his eyes twinkled in excitment. "What do you suggest? We stay here or we go out for a drink?" He added and Muse looked at him playfully.

"I mean if you want to get mobbed and have our pictures on the news papers tomorrow morning sure" She sarcastically said but in a playful manner as to not come off rude.

"Ah yeah, I guess you're right. Let's order first and then settle down" He said and grabbed the phone to order as they decided to have two boxes of fried chicken and some beer to go along with it.

The chicken arrived and they got settled one infront of the other so they can have a conversation face to face.

"So are you a football fan?" He asked her before munching on his drumstick. "Yes I am, I always make sure to watch your games when I have time" 

"Woah really? I also do that, whenever I go somewhere for a game, when I am on the bus, plane or hotel, I am always watching your drama or your music stages" 

"That's really surprising to me because I thought you had no interest in those things" She said and took a swig of her beer. "I don't really have much to do in London" 

"Don't you have any friends to hang out with there?" She curiously asked and he shook his head. "As sad as it sounds I really don't have any friends besides football players" He said and Muse stopped chewing because she realised that despite being incredibly successful he was still lonely perhaps lonelier that she ever was.

"Don't you feel bored living in London alone?" She asked and looked athim intenstly,he kept quiet for awhile as he thought about what he really felt and then spoke up. "I just....well because my main activities are mostly centered around football so there isn't much to do when I'm free except staying home however I feel good when I'm training" 

"Oh I see" Muse said and they both went back to eating silently. 

A few moments later, she glanced up at him and saw he smudged a bit of ketchup in his cheek without realising it, she  wiped it away. He looked a bit surprised by her action that made his heart slightly flutter.

"Do you know what? I've never heard of any dating news regarding you" He broke the silence suddenly making her chuckle.

  "Well, I didn't have high profile dating news as you did" She playfuly teased and he coughed up his beer making her laugh out loud and then continued 

"But I dated quite a lot thankfully never got caught"

"I got caught quite a lot" He admitted in a funny tone.

"I am a professional at not getting caught, when I know that the reporters are hunting I never go out with a man I am actually dating or sometimes we go out in groups and I always take famous people with me so they get confused at who I am really dating"

"Woah, so say me and you are dating but if we wanted to go out in groups how would we do that without being caught?" He curiously asked as he waited for her to answer. 

"No that would be too dangerous, you're too famous so the reporters have a field day when you come to Korea" She said and he snickered.

"Look who's speaking? You're a superstar, people go crazy over you everywhere" 

"Well that's true" She playfuly said and flicked her hair, he looked at her in a cute way as she made him laugh for the hundredth time that night.

"Let me take a picture of you" He suggested and she titled her head to the side. "Out of the sudden?" 

"I just think that you look beautiful so I wanted to capture that moment" He said and she smiled and looked down at her lap as to not show her blushing face. He took out his phone and pointed it at her as she posed, on the count of three he captured her in a beautiful image.

"Let's exchange phone numbers and hang out while I am still in Korea" He said and they both exchanged numbers and agreed to go out tomorrow after his training.

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