Introduction | Prestory

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Thanks for stopping by another fanfiction!

Right off the bat, the concept of this book is "the little things" and I hope that makes sense to you by the end of the story! I wanted this to be a dark-comedy type of book and it starts off pretty chill, though expect it to escalate at some point. I'm super fond of the characters and had extra fun building their worlds and personalities, so expect good fun as you scroll down the pages!


Meh, I won't even have a schedule.

Though most of you loyal readers of mine would probably guess I update very frequently and even more so if your comments motivate me to! So yeah, keep in touch.~


This section always used to ask of you guys to vote and comment but honestly I'm not concerned about that for this book or at all, I'd say anymore. It's my love for writing Jikook that brought me back, so I'm going to let you guys decide whether you'd want to shower me with your support or quietly go through the chapters, and do my actual job of writing the writing, heh. (:

[The author refutes above statement specifically at an Author's Note in Chapter 15 where she calls her readers cowards for not commenting, so make sure to leave a comment or two here and there. Feelings change you know, she might have felt the need for interaction to feel motivated and keep writing and all that, y'know. Ahem – read on now!]

Feel free to always contact me, I reply to your comments as long as they're considerate and friendly!

First chapter comes right away with this one, so buckle up for another ride with Sile, beautifuls! Let's go meet some main characters, shall we?! (:

P.S. Lemme know if you want me to do a face-reveal chapter for all the characters.

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