The Big Reveal

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When I had sat down, the students looked at me, literally.

They were eyeing me up and down like a science experiment, unlike Noah, he had the girls' attention.

"Stop staring, it's creepy." I confronted the guy beside me, I knew who he was and I knew he would look at me like that.

"I'm sorry, I just, find you interesting." He confessed.

I smiled at him.

"My names Stefan, Salvatore." He introduced,utter his hand out for me to shake. I did.

"Nice to meet you Stefan," I said warmly at he grinned. "So tell me, is it always like this?"

He nodded. "Very much, but you'll get used to it. People will start depositing you later."

"They'll just have to try."

A grin formed on his face. "Your not scared of anything.."

"How did you know?" I pretended acting curious. He cleared his throat and stifled in his seat, seemingly uncomfortable all of a sudden.

"Just guessed."

I nodded.

When he turned away to talk to his friends, Bonnie and some other guy, Noah turned from his seat, a glare on his face.

"I don't want you talk to him."

I laughed silently, careful not to let the teacher catch me.

"What makes you think I'll listen to you?" I asked.

"Because I'm older, stronger, more manipulative and I care about you deeply to make some huff guy knock you over." He explained.

"He won't, he isn't that bad, I checked."

Eyes rolling, he cast a glance at Stefan who was preoccupied with Bonnie. "From where? The TV?"

I nodded. "And I went to the publicity award organisations and checked on his records, the character in the TV show is kind and helpful, not using and dreadful, that's Damon's job."

He scratched his fringe, trying to make sense of it all, and then grumbled a fine, his body then turning away as we continued with the lesson.


After Chem, me and Noah had made a bunch of friends, him being the big brother,  never left my side.

Even when the girls swooned over his looks, (I gagged).

"Okay, next lesson is.." he trailed off, his eyes going up and down the piece of paper. "History lesson, with Mr Alaric Saltzman."

My heart fluttered as I fangirled over the result.

"He is soo cool! I want to see him so bad.." I shriek. Noah chuckles. 

"Calm down sis, or we'll be late."

When we walked Inside we saw the blonde haired teacher write on the board, his teacherly outfit seeming very odd.

"Come on, get your seats." He ushered.

I coughed.

He looked up and frowned. "Is there something you need?"

I shrugged. "Don't know, I just wanted to ask if you ever get the news on foreign students showing up I  your class."

Noah snickered beside me.

"Wait, you're the new kids?" He asked, his eyes cautious.

"Yea, you got a problem?" Noah asked in a snooty tone. I shoved him.

"Don't be an ass."

I turned back to Alaric. "Sorry teach, my brother has problems with manners."

Alaric nods in understanding. "I understand. Anyways I don't have much time so I might want to let you 2 sit in front, just to find you another seat."

We nod and sit down.

The class hasn't even shown up yet.

"So..are you a vampire hunter?"

What the fuck?

Is Noah crazy or visibly MENTAL?

Alaric looks at us In confusion and warning. But there was a little shock I  there too.

"H-how did you know?"

Noah smiles. "We're Santiago vampires, we understand this kind of thing."

Santiago Vampires?

Why did he tell the guy we were vampires?

"Are you crazy Noah!" I whispered angrily. He smirked.

"Your Santiago Vampires?" He asks in surprise and fear.

Noah nodded. "The last ones."

I shook my head in confusion and oblivion.

"Wait, what the fuck is going on?" I ask.

The Adventures of Noah&Abigail - The Vampire DiariesWhere stories live. Discover now