The Originals Return

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"So..does this mean they're going to try and kill me?" Caroline asked.

"No, I wouldn't let them sweetheart." Klaus assured her.

I scoffed. "What about me Klaus? What about your step sister?"

He chuckled, pressing a soft kiss on Caroline's head before turning to me. "Your indestructible. Your funny, mature and manipulative. I think you can find a way. And also, your important to me, so they'd be crazy to try and kill you."

My lips formed into a smile at his confession. Him and me, we were like the closest best friends there were. BFREE and GFF.

Basically, the Originals came back from their trip. They'd gone to NOLA for a meeting with Marcel to explain something about their new threat. That's all I know.

And basically, Rebekah is going to be hanging out with me and Caroline. All Klaus's fault.

"Can't we just reschedule?" I asked.

"Ignore her, she just doesn't know anything about being nice." Caroline interrupted.

Klaus laughed.

"Hey! I know plenty about being nice. I showed this ass," I pointed at Klaus," kindness when he asked me about you." I told Caroline.

"I'm not an arse." He pouted.

"I'm know you aren't." Caroline cooed, placing her hands on his chest as she leaned into his kiss and slowly smiled as he crept a hand onto her bottom.


They broke apart and looked at me in annoyance.

"Can I kick her out love?" Klaus asked her with a desperate need in his tone.

I gasped when she nodded.

"Hey! I'm your best friend!"

She laughed when I pouted.

"You'll be hearing from my bodyguard!" I advised her as Klaus lead me out the door.

He peaked his head out and smiled. "She's mine now. Goodbye sister."

And he shut the fucking door on my face.


Humphing, I walked back to my car and and drove to The Boarding House.

Damon was getting a surprise visit.


Illegitably, I never thought of myself as a bossy and controlling person. But right now, I had a pretty good insight as I slammed the door and went inside.

"New girl."

I turned around, and smiled at the sight of the Damon's little brother Stefan, shirtless and delicious.

"School boy." I referred. He smirked, eerily.

"Why are you in my house?"

"I need to see Damon." I huffed.

"Can't, sorry, he's making out with Rose."

No, no No! This cannot be happening..

But, I ..

He is such a liar!

"Where is he?" I growled as he found himself help up by my hands on his neck. He spluttered.

"Upstairss, room on the - argh, - left." He coughed. I smiled sarcastically and snapped his neck.

Sorry Stef.

Dreading away my assumptions, I ran into the room and indeed found a short dark brunette trying to make a move on Damon.

"Can you get the hell away from me?" He barked.

She pouted unattractively - maybe - "I know you want me Damon, all you have to do is shut up." She said in her fucked up accent.

Damon sped away from her towards the door but the face of his girlfriend immediately halted him.

"Explain, or I'll have to take precautions," I said looking towards the girl with a scowl.

"Don't be that way, she's just an annoying pest that came for protection. Stefan's fault obviously." He looked at her now and knew he wasn't finished.

"She's running away from Elijah." I knew that!



"I don't give a crap about Eli, I just want to know why she isn't out in the streets begging for her death."

"She knows something about how to kill the Originals."

"And why on earth would you want to kill them for?" I screeched.

Damon smiled smugly. "Because Klaus won't leave Elena alone."

"What are you on about? He doesn't need her blood anymore!"

"Then explain why she was nearly drained at his house last night!" He snarled.

"What are you talking about?" She stilled.

He let out a breath. "Elena was in the hospital. She had about 4 piles of blood pined out of her body."


"And you care because?"

"She means something to Stefan and Stefan is on high killer mood, meaning he will be giving this town suspicion over animal attacks."

"Why didn't you just tell me?" I asked.

"Because I thought your BFF told you everything."

"I guess not." I revealed.

"I'm still here."

The snapped her head towards the accent. She lay mouth in a curved smile I  amusement.

"I'm going to snap your neck." I told her.

"Your not an old vampire like me sweetie, I know how to deal with brats like you."

Damon laughed. I chuckled.

"Bye Rose." I cried before snapping her pretty little neck.

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