Reunited And Blessed

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Noah walked towards the flat, his hand swiping back his hair as he twitched his fingers nervously. He never was good with family reunions, I guess that's where Dylan got his fear of family death from.

Me, on the other hand, I hated funerals. Funerals were too much. I mean, death is already a lot to take but going to a funeral to make the deal even bigger was sad and emotional. It sucks. 

Aiden..he's..really different.

I mean, a good different, just strange different. He never cries about death and, I think he knows a lot about the human body and life experience to know that death is common and is signed to us.

I'm excited to see them again.

Turning of the rev of the car I follow Noah to the door, my heart pulse quickening of eager. I smile supportingly when he presses onto the buttoned doorbell that creates a hyperactivited sound.

"Coming! Hold o- DYLAN! Go to your room!"

We heard muttering inside the house, my lips curved into a smile, and finally keys started to jaggle on the keyhole. The door opened and revealed my mother standing. A proud smile on her face.

"Omg.." She gasped before enveloping us into a strong hug, our breathes decreasing for the limit. She left us panting by the time we pulled away.

"I missed you so much! Come in, quickly, Dylan! Aiden! Come down here." She shouted as we went inside the apartment, the room smelled like home. Our home.

Not seconds after, 2 small figures with blonde hair ran down and tumbled before pulling us into another breath creasing hug. They held us like we were about to vanish any second.

The chances were less than true.

"Where have you been? I thought you died." Dylan cried desperately, tears streaming down his face. I swept them away with my thumb.

"We had some things to do Dyl, but don't worry, their finished and we're staying, we're not leaving," Noah said while kissing Dylan's forehead. "We're staying."

Aiden smiled. "I made mom and Dylan cookies, do you want some?" Before I could even register what I was doing I had thrown him into my shoulder and retreated us into the kitchen, which was not at all hard to find.

His blonde hair swept into his face as he concentrated on getting the cookies onto the plate, piercing light blue eyes, like Damon's, had me captivated and adored as I looked at his cute face.

"Your very cute Aiden, you know that right?" I asked. He laughed and shook his head.

"That's what a girl said in my class. She said I was hot, and she kissed my cheek."

Omg, so cute!

"Okay that's just adorable, what's her name?"

"Matilda. She in kindergarten."

Smirking, I ruffled his hair and ate a cookie. I nearly fainted at how tasty and delicious it was, damn this brother of mine was a good baker.

"This is yummy Aiden! God, I never knew you could make things like this." I commented, taking about delicious bite.

"I know, I've been making lots!" He grinned, dimples and all. He was completely adorable! I swear to god, I could eat his face.


"So Aiden, how do you like it here?" I asked, genuinely interested. He looked up at me and smiled.

"Mm, it's okay. I mean, apart from the crazy things that I do with my hands." He confessed. He was so into the cookies he didn't realise he slipped that out, I'm glad he did though.

Did he even know what he just said? He did crazy things with his hands. Why didn't I get informed of this?

Oh..right, Mom didn't want to tell us incase we spilled.

I mean, yeah we're troublemakers and all but, we don't really tell.

"Aiden, what do you mean by that?" I asked curiously.

He sniffled. "Well, sometimes, when I have to read books, my hands flick," he used his fingers to flick and one of the cookies levitated and fell onto my hand," and the object just..moves."

Holy fuck.

My little brother was a warlock.

This has to be something big.

The Adventures of Noah&Abigail - The Vampire DiariesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora