Plan A; Failure

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The day after my kill Damon had told me that I had to meet the rest of the gang. Why?

I didn't have a freakin clue.

I hate them all, their bullshited lifes and selves.

As I walked to my next class I saw Caroline talking to Elena, their faces were, um, priceless.

"...When I got there I saw him, he was..staked!" Elena said frowning.

Caroline was looking pretty sad, but she didn't make a big deal out of it. Who would? The guy was a pig.

"...Oh, well, I'm just going to- ill just go to class." She excused herself and headed to the same place I was going.

Why not befriend Caroline? She's nice, caring, funny and full of light.

I want a bestie anyways.

I walked towards her and slightly tapped on her shoulder. She turned around and smiled.

"Omg, your the Santiago Vampire.." She murmured. I nodded.

"Yeah, and since your friends hate me I thought I would try and be friendly to you, Klaus likes you so I thought, 'hey why not?'"

She grinned. "Uh, sure. You can seat with me at lunch, oh and don't bring your brother, Noah was it?," I nodded. "I need the girl talk."

After we had socialised, talked about the originals and how Caroline told me she finds Klaus very attractive I thought I'd go to class.

I sat my seat, waiting for the teacher to come in so I could get this over with.

Shuddering, I turned around when I felt someone tap my shoulder.



Tyler Lockwood.

Alive, living and fucking breathing.

"Missed me?" He asked cockily.

"Not really, I thought I killed you but," I smirked. "Obviously not."

He growled. "I can't be killed, but you can and I will kill you."

I laughed. "It's not the will it's the when."

I turned to face the teacher, an angry scolding glare on my face as I had just succumbed to finding out the truth about Tyler Lockwood.

A hybrid. A fucking hybrid that can't be killed.

I'll have to ask Klaus.


Quietly I walking inside the room, I looked around and saw him drawing on the canvas, his eyebrows scrunched together in focus.

"What are you doing here?" He asked, still tipping his brush over the paper.

"Came to ask for a favour."

He turned to face me. "What kind of favour?"

Sighing, I told him.

"I want to kill a hybrid, but I don't know how."

And you know what he did?

He laughed.


This wasn't even funny!

"Why are you laughing?"

He tried to regain his breath as he sat down on the couch, dowlling a scotch bottle to the cups and setting them on the table.

"You can kill a hybrid by taking out their heart."

What the fuck?

"Ew no! I am not going to kill Tyler Lockwood by squishing my hands in his chest. No way, ńó ńó."

"Tyler Lockwood?" He asked.


I'm so careless sometimes.

"Uh yeah."

He rose an eyebrow. "Why kill the mongrel?"

I swallowed.

"So you can be with Caroline." I answered with a sincere smile.

I couldn't believe what happened next.

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