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He hugged me.


He fucking hugged me.

I shook out of my thoughts and patted his back awkwardly. It was unreal, the Hybrid was scary and dangerous, why was he hugging me? Me?

"Am I your sister now?" I asked.

He laughed.

"Well, I wouldn't say that but I think we're on the edge of it." He proclaimed.

I nodded. "Cool. So anyway, I'm going to leave because there's nothing else to say." I said as I began walking to the door.

Before I even made it to the door he flashed in front of me, a smirk on his face.

"Why are you trying to help me?"

Fuck, how was I supposed to answer that? I love the idea of scandalous sex? I like watching you and Caroline be together? I am a creep in the making?

Okay think fast Abi..

And don't even ask how I told him this because I have no idea myself.

"I love Klaroline." I blurted out.

He choked on his drink and looked at me with his wide pupils. "Klaroline?"

"Yes. You and Caroline. Klaus + Caroline = ♡ Klaroline ♡." I explained to him.

Why was he staring at me like I was crazy?


"Nothing." He dismissed, placing the cup on the table.

"How are we going to make her fall in love with you?" I asked.

"I'll spend some more time with her, I'll try and be nice to her bloody friends, anything to make our aquaintances." He said letting it all out.

He really loved her.

"Okay. I'll try and give her advice, maybe even be successful in killing that mutt." I told him.

He nodded. "Thank you, Abigail. Truly, thank you."

I smiled. "No problem big bro."

He chuckled as I left.


After I'd left Klaus's house I met Caroline at the Grill for a drink to talk about each other, gossip and learn about one another.

"So..what are you?" She asked suddenly.

Was she a spy? Did those other guys tell her to do this? I mean, she did agree to play the blonde distraction. A perfect role for a perfect actress.

I sighed. "I'm a Santiago Vampire. A vampire who doesn't die, lives immorality to save mankind and all vampires from the great evil."

She looked wide eyed, as if I had just told her a joke, but I guess no one can take this seriously.

"What great evil?"


"Who the hell is Silas?" She asked.

"Well, he's a immortal witch, he's powerful, not powerful than me and Noah of course, and he can read minds. He can compel a whole room of people in one second and take any format of any person." I explained softly.

"But how the hell are you suppose to save us when you could from him easily? You can't just risk your life for us!" She objected.

"Calm down Care," i laughed. "it's my job to do this, it's my destiny and so it is Noah's. We have to save all vampires. And humans."

She shook her head slowly and gave me a helpless look. "Is there anything we can do to help?"

"No, you'd get killed easily. Silas is good at giving people hallucinations, he can play with your mind so don't you dare risk your life." I ordered her.

She nodded. "So, let's move on from this topic," she looked at me. "Any guys your into?"


I knew how she would feel, I could see her face change colour. Literally.

"DAMON?!" She shrieked.

"I know, I know, he's a bad guy, he likes to play with people and compel them-"

She cut me off. "Wait, your dating him? So Elena can go back to Stefan?" She asked. I nodded.

"Cool, not the love triangle can be obtained." She said wiggling her eyebrows. I laughed.

"Your funny Care. So, how's Tyler?" I asked.

She pressed her lips into a thin line, her eyes casting to the table. "He's, I don't know, I kind of ..dumped him."



"Because I have feels for someone else, someone really bad." She whispered. Her eyes still on the table.

"I'll take a wild guess and say Klaus."

Her eyes shot up in shock. "How the hell did you know?"

"You didn't break up with Tyler until a certain bad boy came to town that week. I'd say it was easy."

The silence appeared, her face in a mixture of confusion, anger and regret.

"You want advice?"

She nodded.

"If your heart tells you to run after him. Do it. If your friends tell you he's bad news. Ditch em'. That's my rule."

She smiled slightly. "I feel bad for using him to rely on once I always am in danger and always forgetting his signs. I mean, what if he doesn't like me back?"

I shook my head furiously. "If he did, he would have compelled you, forgot about you the second you turned down his offer, killed you the moment you insulted him."

I could see the way she took her words to heart, the way she replayed their memories together.

Nik was in for a surprise.

She picked up her bag and nearly left until I asked her, "Where are you going?"

"To get my soul mate."

The Adventures of Noah&Abigail - The Vampire DiariesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora