Loath Your Happiness

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"So let me get this right," I stated while moving my head around. "There's a old coven of witches that this Silas guy," I tryed to sound unfamiliar with it because they don't know what I know about him. "Awakened and is going to destroy the world with?"

Caroline nodded, her blonde curls bobbing up and down. "At least,  that's what Nik said."

I smiled when I remembered their hook up. It was epic and hot, like tv special hot.

"I cannot believe my arse of a brother gave in to you so easily." Rebekah said astonished. "I'm impressed. And trust me, that doesn't happen often."

"She has him whipped." I played with the ball in my hand.

"She has who whipped?" We heard Klaus ask as he glided I to the room, casting Caroline an uneasy look.

"Caroline has you butt whipped." I answered.

"Really?" He asked, and I can't believe this, upset.

"But she doesn't intend to use it for bad purposes," Caroline answered for herself. She smiled softly at him.

"Good, because I wouldn't be happy when you use it against me for something stupid and out of the equation such dangerously low." He ended before pulling her to his lap on the couch.

Rebekah scowled. "I can't believe I'm the only person in this room without a boyfriend."

"Don't worry Bekah, someone will love you. *Cough* Matt." Caroline giggled.

"No. She isn't going to get a boyfriend. Over my dead body." Klaus said in determination.

"Such a badhandler.." I muttered. He cast me a glare but Caroline laughed at my comment. I winked at him.

"I utterly loathe you Niklaus." Rebekah claimed as she got up and ran off.

Klaus pouted when Caroline moved to look at him.

"Why do you do that?"

"I didn't do anything love! It's just that men always tend to break her heart." He said as he looked like he was remembering something.

"How many times?"

"Three times.."


He huffed.


"Well then this one won't be a disappointment." She said and sped out the room.

I burst out laughing. "God, y - you're so whipped!"

He growled and threw a pillow at me, knocking me out in the process.

I moaned. No reply. I looked around and sighed.

"That hurt." I told thin air as I realised he had gone.


He kissed my neck slowly, mapping my back with his hand. My moans were getting louder by the minute and Stefan would be coming into the house any moment now, except, Damon didn't care as he slowly bit my neck with his human teeth.

"Just," he kissed me at a low pace. "Enjoy it."

He freed his length and slowly entered my enclosed state. I moaned loudly as he moved in and out in leisurely, his mouth ghosting into my ear. I crippled the couch head in agonising pleasure.

He was about to move in again when the door slammed open. I cursed before putting a blanket on top of us, his hair was messed up as he grunted when I moved. His hardened length came in and out before stopping.

Stefan was here.

"Where's Damon Stefan?"

Fuck no! Not that chick.

Before I knew it i reluctantly came into my climax, and guessing by his loud pleasured groan, he like it. I moved on tip of him heavily and he groaned when he reached his.

God..I wish it was like this all the time.

Stefan came inside and smiled at us before frowning at our positioning, and guessing by his thinking he thought we were just sleeping.

"Sorry, did we wake you up?"

Elena came inside after his statement, a glare on her face as she saw me.  I laughed.

"Not really Stefan.  We were just having a nap after our deep, agonising and pleasuring sex." I whispered seductively.

Stefan was beetroot red when I finished. Elena was scowling. And Damon was smiling smugly.

"Let's leave Stefan." Elena urged.

He looked back at her before looking at us. "Om sorry Elena it's just that I need to talk to Abi first."

"Abi?" She asked in confusion.

I smirked. "Didn't he tell you?" I gasped when she shook her head. "Me and Stef are BFF'S! I call him Stef and he calls me Abi."

"I can't believe you." Elena gasped and left the room.

"Really?" Damon gave me a look.

"What I asked, innocence sprawled all over my face. "She makes me want to kill her."

He laughed before telling Stefan to spit what words he had locked into his mouth.

"I was wondering if I could talk to Aiden and Dylan. You know, I just thought I could take them shopping or for a day out."

Did I just hear him right?

"Really?" I asked in excitement. He nodded with a smile.

"Sure! We can all go in fact!"

His smile dropped. "Look, I didn't mean all of us, I just ment me and the two kids. I want to get to know them."

Weird but alright.

"Okay." I smiled.

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