Seduction El' a Carolina

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"Niklaus, Marcel has agitated for his duties to come and speak to us." Elijah said when he came in, another man walking in with him. He then saw us. "Privately."

Caroline crossed her arms, and rose an eyebrow. "Really? So you're planning on doing this yourselves?"

Klaus grinned widely. "Precisely." And scurried off into Elijah office with the other guy.

Rebekah sighed. "How will we ever find out what their meeting is about.."

I smiled slightly, caught in her game. "I wonder, how will we find a weakness to make Nik spill.."

Caroline shook her head as she laughed. "No, no way, uh uh,"she swallowed. "I will not wear something nudistic and seduce Nik until i get the information out of him."

"But your good at it! And we'll be able to participate in his rules. Don't you hate it when he does all the saving and we girls stay at home? It's sexist!" I proclaim.

She nods. "Your right, absolutely! I'm not a weakling. I can fight."

Rebekah smiles at me. "I think you should be our speaker from now on."

Really? I laugh at her suggestion but realise it isn't a bad idea. I do have the voice of a president. I can be persuasive.

When the Marcel guy finishes talking to Elijah and Nik Caroline goes into Klaus's study, we seat ourselves into the stairs, our eyes locked onto the holes we made into the wall as we see Klaus's facial expressions on the magic screen. I plop a popcorn into my mouth.

This was going to be fun.

"Caroline love, is there something you wanted?" He asked as she came inside, a robe covering her body

She ignored him and smiled at Elijah. "Can you please leave Eli? Nik and I have some ..unfinished business to discuss.."

I could literally see Elijah smirking.

He nodded. "Very well. I will see you tomorrow brother. Good night."

When she heard the door click she pouted and turned to her boyfriend. He was smiling at her expression, oblivious to what was going to happen next.

"I'm upset Nik."

"You are unpredictable Caroline." He grimaced.

She laughed.

"Why are you upset sweetheart?" He stroked her skin in his admirable way.

"Because.." She slowly tugged her robe down, revealing her firm ivory and touchable breasts in front of him. "You seem to think of me.." as she tugged it down to its financial predicament, she saw his eyes wander down and his bottom lip being tugged but his teeth. "As a weakling."

He shot his eyes up at her, disbelief in his eyes. "Not one love, how could you think like that?"

"Well," she brought her hand to his chin and felt his stubble in her soft hands. "You seem to be leaving me out of things, a lot, "she admitted, starting to lean closer to him on his couch, her breasts in full view for him. "And I don't like it."

He felt as if he was going to take her right there and then, but he needed to tell her that he didn't find her as a weakling, just beautiful and strong, a girl with no use. He found her powerful.

"I just want to keep you safe sweetheart," he said huskily as he felt her breasts in his hands, their taunts getting at him.

"I know.." She kissed his jaw, elighting a moan from his sinful lips. "But a woman likes a to fight, even in wars." She wandered her hand downwards.

"Not that I'm not happy to see you sweetheart but, what exactly are you here for? Other than great sex, I presume."

"Obviously!" She said, and started kissing his chest. Not leaving an ounce of skin away so he would get the pleasure he needs.

"I wanted," kiss. "to know," she sucked his nipple. "what you, Marcel and Elijah," She kissed her way down to his bellybutton. "were talking about." And she put her hand around his length.

He sighed in clarification," I can't tell you love," he struggled to say anything as his length was pulled out, harshly from his trousers. And a mouth was occupied to it before he could do anything about it.

"But Nik," she picked his shaft," I'd feel more powerful and involved if I actually had to do anything." Her tounge swirled around the sides.

"But-" he grunted and she pulled him into her mouth.

He had 2 choices.

Either tell her and take her.

Or either,.

Just tell her and take her.

That was the only option.

He sighed. She really knew about the power she had over him. And she was very     clear on how she was going to use it.

The thing was, he wasn't very satisfied with her using it on terms he wasn't pointed to. Like getting secrets out of him and using it for her own amusement or, using it to do something completely out of this world, dangerous and crazy.

He would have to live to see it.

Let's just say..

We were gobsmacked.

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