Chapter 47

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The one on the left is Kyle :)

The lifeguard holds his head in place, "Get the Defib, and the neck brace."

The other lifeguard gets the Defib and neck brace, the other life guard works fast as he gets the neck brace on with ease.


Ralph holds her in his right hug, she spots the lifeguard and he's pulling Peter's limp body onto dry sand. "Oh my god! No he's not! Peter!" Ralph lets go of her to see it for himself, and she runs to the shore line.

She stops dead in her tracks to see Peter unconscious and seeing the Defibrillator patches on him. Her breath hitches in her throat time slows, she hears distorted voices of the head lifeguard talking and giving orders. A crowed gathers around now tons of distorted voice talk.

Felicity's eyes slowly follow two more lifeguards as they come over to help. One goes in as extra help and one pushing the crowd away.

The young lifeguard ordering the people to gives spaces see Felicity frozen to her spot while swaying slightly.

He walks towards her knowing that she knows the young man that's being given CPR. She doesn't notice him walking towards her.

"Mam?.." He asks but she doesn't hear him, only hearing the head lifeguard saying 'Clear' for the third time.

She falls to her knees as tears glaze her eyes. The lifeguard puts his hands out just in case she passes out.

Ralph sees this and jogs over. The lifeguard stops him from helping, telling him that he has this. Ralph backs off.

"He's dead....." She whispers, "and it's all my fault...I suggested going to the beach..."

"Mam you need to stay with me here, okay? He's going to be fine, the best lifeguards are working on him right now. We have resuscitated someone who's been shocked more then that."

"Clear!" Felicity hears

"That's the fourth one..." She whispers. She looks up at him, "That's the forth should've done it..."

"No not always, not with everyone. Let's get you out of the sun.." He says knowing that pregnant women shouldn't be in the sun for too long.

Yes....he noticed the baby bump

He helps her to her feet. She falls into him feeling light headed and dizzy, "Woah, woah." He steadies her, "How long have you been in the sun for.." He  raps her arm around the back of his neck and slowly brings her over to the Lifeguard stand. Over to the shadow that is being casted by it.

He helps her sit down, her legs wobbly, he sits beside her. Her lips feel dry from the sun and body weak. He feels her pulse and it's quicker then normal. "Can you get her some water?" He mouths over to Ralph, he nods and goes back to where their stealing is to get her water. "My name is Kyle, and yours?" He asks trying to keep conversation with her so she stays awake.

"Felicity.." She says quietly

"What a beautiful name for a beautiful woman."

She chuckles, "Thanks..." She says eyes feeling heavy.

"So how long have you been pregnant for? Three weeks?"


"Oh wow." They hear the ambulance a distance away. He looks to see that they got Peter breathing again. "Hey look! Your friend is breathing, he's going to be fine! The ambulance is here to bring him to the hospital."

"Unn..." Her eyes roll back and her body slides onto the lifeguard, her head rests against his shoulders.

She grabs his attention, "Woah, woah, woah! Hey, stay with me Felicity." He try's to steady her. He taps on her face, but she isn't responding, he feels her pulse and it's rapid.


Ralph sees her collapse against the lifeguard and he runs over.


"Go inform one of the Paramedics that we have a pregnant woman with a rapid pulse." He tells Ralph

Kyle can't do it himself because Felicity is unconscious half on his body.

Ralph nods and runs over to the approaching paramedics on the beach. One of them nod and come over.


Peter is carefully rolled onto a stretcher his eyes slowly open. He try's to move but can't as he's strapped down. His eyes widen, He can't speak as theirs a tube in his mouth, and an oxygen mask on him.

"Peter, you're safe and in good hands. Keep calm and don't try and move your head around. Your going to the hospital. The tube in your mouth is to help keep a good air away." The head lifeguard says as he walks with the paramedics.

He seems to relax when he informs him.


When they get him to the truck they take him off the board and put him onto one of theirs.

Felicity is in the back unconscious leaning on Ralph, hooked up to a IV bag with a needle like tube in her arm. Ralph has his arm around her to keep her from falling over in the joy ride to the hospital.

Peter's eyes slowly close as the engine starts, exhausted from trying to fight the waves.


Peter's eyes slowly open, he squints as the bright lights of the white hospital.

He groans, "Peter you're awake!" Felicity domes into view. "How do you feel?"

Peter try's to speak but his mouth dry.

"Judging by no answer I'm thinking you need some water?" Peter nods

She gives him a cup of water which was on the side table.

He takes the cup and chugs the cup of water. He puts the cup back on the table. His throat now not dry anymore and can speak, "Felicity what happened to me on the beach was scary...but I'm glad that you had my back."

"I'll always have your back no matter what.."

A day later Peter is released from the hospital and back at Felicity's place, sitting on the couch.

Felicity is in the kitchen cutting carrots and Ralph is setting the table.

They both hear a knock at the door, Felicity stops cutting and looks up.

"I'll get it." Ralph says and puts the last plate down and walks to the door and opens it.

A deep southern accent speaks,"Oh uh...hi. I'm-"

"Richard!?!" Felicity shouts and she runs over to the door and sees her best friend ever since the start of high school. "Oh my is you! I know that voice anywhere!"

"Felicity!" He puts his arms out

Felicity's smile grows bigger and she runs into his arms. He wraps his arms around her.

"Oh I missed you so much..."

"I missed you too.." They stay hugging

She smells his familiar musky smell and she hugs him a little tighter.

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