first meeting

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"Kenni please take your lunch box",Jin ran towards the door where he saw his boyfriend already gone. He sighed as he sees him drive away without knowing Jin was shouting at him.

"Guess he'll come back home without eating anything again?",Jin pouted thinking how Ken his boyfriend used to come home every night without having anything. He used to work till he gets stomachaches. He gets hungry often even though he didnt mind cause he used to love his works more than anything. More than Jin,Jin used to think sometimes and even feel insecure and gets jealous over his works.

Jin was an omega and as an omega he wasnt safe like other omegas at this outside world. He used to be at his home all the time, it was boring but he knew outside world was dangerous for him so he prefered to stay at home rather than wandering around. He should protect himself since he was an adult already and on the top of that unmarked and virgin.

In this world, where rules are just made for only dominant ones ,weak and powerless omegas like Jin had no any protections by laws. They were treated worst just like animals, if they get raped,abused even killed than there was no law that punishes the powerful ones. So often omegas like Jin used to stay undercover at his own home

It was sad that Jin doesnt get to enjoy outside world where there were all those new things that he wanted to try ,places where he wanted to visit, jobs he wanted to do, dream he wanted to fulfill. But due to cruel partiality between omegas and alphas Jin didnt get chance to do this things yet. He didnt want to be victim of this discrimination at all.

But thankgod! Atleast he have loving and caring boyfriend who used to protect him from this dangerous world. It was his boyfriend Ken. They were childhood friends, ken was so sweet and loving that Jin had crush on the beta for so long. Time passed and slowly ken found himself attractive towards the omega himself too, he was cute,beautiful and sweet and it was impossible that ken can only see him as his friend.

After 8 years of dating and having living relationship, they were still not into physical relationship yet. Jin was still virgin as he told ken that he wanted to do it only after their marriage. Ken respected his decision and didnt go overboard despite of the sweet smell that can captivate any alphas or betas. Ken knew Jin used to smell different,more sweet than any other omegas, more captivating, more nostalgic. It was because Jin was different, his smell was different. The smell of one's defines his purity and innocence. The more purest heart with no any evility the more sweet and strong scents can be found in an omegas. It shows how innocent and pure one can be and Jin was purest of all as his smells was sole reason for itself.

So ken was afraid if he can protect his naive boyfriend forever, so he just made him to stay at home everytime and didnt allow him to go outside at all. He took all his freedoms away from him inorder to keep him safe from other alphas and Jin just respected his decision most of the time. But sometimes he wishes if he can go outside like Ken too and work for some company and earn some money and make ken feel less burden since he had two lives to take care of.

"Last time he got severe abdomen pain and nearly passed out.. i think I should go and give him or else he wont eat unless I cooked it",Jin sighed again after ken didnt accept his call

"But should I really go?",Jin was confused if stepping outside his home was right decision or not but atlast he did. He took his medicine which covers his smells and covered himself from head to toe and took a taxi towards Ken's working company.

He havent ever visited ken in his work place before. Ken had warned him several times to stay away from his working place but Jin didnt know why. He wanted to see him work but they always ended up in serious arguments that cost Ken to stay away from home for 1-2 weeks so Jin tried hard not to take this conversation at that way at all. He was afraid if Ken will go mad after seeing him but now Jin cant even go back when he was outside the company. Damn it was so huge. Jin got suprised and little excited when he got to know that Ken works in such a big company.

He slowly went inside and asked a lady receptionist about Ken and she told her to go to the 7th floor. Jin took an elevator and came to 7th floor. He looked around and it was huge and beautiful. He finally turned towards left where he saw a big door, he didnt know why but he eventually started to walk towards that direction. He came near and at the door he saw "donot enter without my permission" written on the door. Jin chuckle for how old fashioned it looks

"Do they still uses them?",Jin put his hand on the doorknob. He didnt have idea what he was doing at all but all of a sudden he was curious for who was inside. And suddenly he opened the door.

Suddenly A powerful alpha's scents hits his face as soon as he opens the door. Jin was shocked, it was just not an ordinary smell, it was so strong. He knew how alphas smell but this alpha smells different, perhaps he was a werewolf? Jin just got scared even with the thoughts.

"Who are you?",and then the most dominant voice he have ever heard asked him from the front that made Jin to jump in fear wanting to run away but his eyes was so dark glaring at him so deeply that he cannt even run away neither speak a word.

"I said who are you?",the man growled now getting up and coming closer to Jin.  Jin was really scared, his presence himself made Jin's feet weak that he was about to fall on his knees.

He noticed this man was just out of this world. He was so pale like the vampires, his lips very red, his eyes very dark, his hair all frizzy and mess. He was wearing a tight black suit where his buttons were working hard not to burst out. He was very muscular that can be seen just from outside. His voice very dominant even his glares making Jin weak.

"I..I..",Jin couldnt speak when he was being pulled back by someone suddenly

It was ken.

"I'm sorry boss...My boyfriend didnt have any idea that it was your cabin. Please I'm very sorry. It wont be repeated again",Ken was fearing too as he pulled Jin at his back. Jin peeked from the side of ken and saw that the man was staring at him peeking so Jin quickly made his face straight to avoid the man.

"Boyfriend?",the man raised his eyebrows at ken

"Yeah we are sorry",ken bowed down

"Omega?",the man whispered under his breath

"Seems fun",The man smirked

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