One night

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"Fucking another omega for third time today. All those old hags are not enough for me anymore. I want more just bring me any omega. I dont care if he is beautiful or ugly just make sure I want him to be enough to fulfill my desires and you know I dont fuck with same person two times", Jungkook growled at his phone.

Jungkook was the sole owner of the Jeon company, the success of his company was all those black money, he makes. He was an alpha leader and werewolf and it was the main reason that noone can do anything for how bad his works are. He kills, he doesnt care. He has no fear,he has no weakness, he has no family to take care of, he has no feelings of sympathy and love to anyone. He was heartless , he was a satan himself.

"Fuck you just find anyone or else lose your job,not only that lose your life too"

To be honest Jungkook was very hot and tough guy and every omegas can throw themselves in him, he doesnt have to worry to get those ugly asses at all. But after having sex with so many omega males and females he was sick of their ugly smells and rotten face. What he needed was extra, someone sweeter, someone who can turn him on just by doing nothing. What he needed was something more , and at this point he was tired of having sex.

"I said I..",Jungkook couldnt finish his words when he was being hit by the light smell of omega coming near to him. Jungkook was suddenly mesmorized by the smell like he have been hypnotized. It was so sweet, like that of a lotus scents. He sniffed harder to get this smell more into his whole body inside and it was just coming nearer and nearer.

"Damn", Jungkook closed his eyes moving his head around like he have been dancing along with the smell of the omega. And all of a sudden someone opened the door making his alpha scents to mix up with sweet lotus smell together making a smell mixed of spice and sweetness.

Jungkook opened his eyes and what he saw made him realize how beautiful this world was. The boy infront of him was so beautiful, his cute little doe eyes blinking at him so cutely, his pink plump lips, his fluffy cheeks that he wanted to squish them so badly. He was the one. One that Jungkook have been craving for. He was so cute and innocent looking that Jungkook wanted to pin him down right there and when he got scared because of him it just turned on the alpha so bad. He was just about to touch the omega and to melt in his touch he was being pulled back by someone quick.

So after knowing he was one of his employee's boyfriend he made sure he gonna have him now no matter what.

Jungkook doesnt want a long term relationship or anything with anyone. All he need was one night stand thats it and Jin was no more than that. He just want Jin for one night, he just want to fuck him raw and ruin his tight ass thats it. And now he wants him so badly after seeing Jin once. Jin was the most beautiful boy ever Jungkook had led an eyes on but that doesnt make any difference cause he doesnt care how beautiful he is after all what he needed was one night with him.

Ken dragged Jin outiside the company, Jin whined to let him go but ken didnt stop and dragged him out.

"Have you lost your mind? Are you crazy? Why are you here?", Ken was really pissed up with his boyfriend and now even his boss saw him. Ken knew Jungkook was an asshole and he wanted to keep Jin away from him at all cost.

"I'm sorry kenni but you left your lunch box",Jin pouted showing him his lunchbox.

"Aish Jin you have no idea what you just did",ken pulled his hair with both hand

"Yaah its ok.. your boss said its ok"

"No not that, you dont know him? He is."

"A werewolf?",Jin raised his eyebrows

"How did you?"

"I can smell it. He smells very dominant so",Jin said

"Aah you must be late take this and go..bye see you at home sweetie",Jin kissed ken's cheeks and giggled running away

"This kid surely knows how to play with my heart",he giggled back too.

Ken went inside again hoping if Jungkook is not around but guess he was wrong when he saw Jungkook sitting on his chair and crossing his arms showing his back

"..boss? Is everything ok? Why are..why are you at my desk?",ken asked fearing alot

"Auh? Ken-sii?",Jungkook turned at him and smiled. Woah it was such a creepy smile

"Yeah boss?",ken was even suprised that Jungkook knew his name. Though he was his employee he never knew any of his employees name and all of a sudden he was calling him by his name. Also it was his first interaction with Jungkook despite of those group meetings and client dealings.

"So i heard you are in rookie team? It must be hard making money since you get lowest",Jungkook picked up one of the ruler from ken's desk

"Yeah but I'm trying hard to get higher. I will make sure I'll work hard and get higher boss",ken smiled

"Hmmm.. i can make you go higher I mean the highest of all if you want",Jungkook was now playing with his scale with his long fingers and his eyes only fixed at the scale

"Yeah?? What do you mean?",ken was suprised

"Money,success,power",Jungkook played with his scale moving it round,"Thats what you need right?"

"What?",ken was suprised. How did he know that he was so obssessed with having success and money. It has been literally just 10-15 mins Jungkook have seen him and he already knew his history.

"Dont get startle Ken-sii I can give you all this"

"I dont think you'll do anything without a price? I know you must need something from me too?",ken knew Jungkook wasnt an easy person. He is such a give and take person and he knows Jungkook might need something from him

"Goodpoint. Nothing in Jungkook's world is for free. Definately I need something from you too. You know well I can give you money, power and everything you just need"

"And the price is?",Ken raised his eyebrows

"Jin",Jungkook kept his scale down and looked at ken straight now.


"Give me Jin, and I'll give you whatever you want",Jungkook smirked making ken dumbfounded

" did you even know his name..? I mean how, why Jin?",Ken was so shocked. At this 15 mins Jungkook already found his name and what else?

"Its not important. I just want Jin for one night",Jungkook got up from the sit coming closer to ken, ken couldnt even look straight at his eyes since it was too dark and deep

"Choice is your's. Give me Jin and take money from me. Or else lose your job as well as Jin cause at the end I'll have Jin no matter what. So if you want to end this nicely then take your chance",Jungkook patted Ken's shoulder

"By the way its just for one night",Jungkook whispered in his ears and walked away

Ken remained there speechless regretting letting Jin to show himself infront of Jungkook.

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