Jin or babies?

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Jungkook felt like he was being called by someone from nowhere. Not in a loud way but he felt like someone just whispered his name on his ear. And that call made him empty suddenly, it felt like it was filled with emotions which made him feel sad and he didnt know why.

Jungkook just felt so empty like that of when one usually gets when his mate rejects him or leave him forever. Like if one of them dies among two, the remaining one was left to be empty and sad. That's what Jungkook felt like rightnow, his heart was like being stabbed several times with some unknown force.  But above that Jungkook didnt know why was he feeling weird suddenly, no way that Jin can be hurt in his mansion. Even though he panicked a little with his weird feelings.

"So finally the company is your's Mr. Jeon"

Jungkook heard his lawyer speak making him to come back in reality.

"Aah. Thanks",Jungkook replied back and stood up to run over his mansion as soon as possible

"By the way, remove all those traitors from my company right away. I dont want to see their ugly faces any more. Specially, that manager. I need to deal with him by myself but I am little busy today so I'll just let it go for today. But I'll make sure he never gets to see the sun next day for hurting my mate, asshole", Jungkook banged his hand on table

"Alright boss. We will fire them and hire new staffs as your order"

"Good. Then",Jungkook now ran down to get into his car

Jungkook got into his mansion as fast as possible.While trying to open the door he noticed that the door wasnt locked and that made him more scared.

He got inside hurriedly

"JIN???",Jungkook screamed when he saw Jin lying on the ground completely covered on his own blood all unconsious. His fear had no limit that time when he placed his head on his lap while shaking him

"What...What happened..Jin? Please..please get up...please...No..please Noo",Jungkook screamed more losing his mind when Jin wasnt just responsing. Jungkook started to cry when he shakingly checked Jin's heartbeat.

Thankgod he was still alive but his heartbeat was so slow that made Jungkook's heartbeat to stop for a moment too.

"You cant die No.... please...please hold on..please",Jungkook hurriedly carried Jin in a bridal way taking him to the hospital

"Get out of my way..",Jungkook pushed everyone beside with his shoulder. One of the staff told him to place him on the bed of room no. 10 so he ran towards there still carrying Jin.

"Doctor.. where is the freaking doctor..",Jungkook kept Jin on the hospital bed and kept on looking around for doctor to arrive as soon as He kept him down. Jin was hardly breathing and Jungkook was so scared if anything happens to Jin rightnow. He will just die if anything happens to Jin or the pups. He was losing his mind and was screaming for a doctor.

Doctor finally came after nurse told him about Jungkook's case.

"Mr. Jeon first of all you need to calm down and please move away from here. We need to check him first and for that you need to step aside",doctor checked Jin's pulse first

"Fucking just..just save him. Save him or else I'll kill you. I'll kill everyone..I'll just kill everyone",Jungkook grabbed Doctor's collar threatening him.

"See Mr.Jeon if you wont step aside now you may regret it later. Your mate is hardly breathing, and if you keep on threatening me like this then it may delay his treatment and you may really regret it later. So will you go out for now?"

"What?",Jungkook eyes soften suddenly, his tone also became little soft than before as he leaves his collar and instead he joined his palms together keeping his head down

"Please",Jungkook begged,Crying

"Please save him, please. Please... please I beg you please",Jungkook cried really hard as he sees Jin on the bed covered in blood. His heart aches seeing him like that, seeing him in so much pain that he was going to die because of the pain he was feeling.

"We'll try our best. ",doctor now closed the door on Jungkook after he came outside of the room

Jungkook was on his knees already as soon as he came out. Feeling like shit, he feared when he wasnt seeing Jin right now or if it will be the case forever. He feared if Jin will leave him just like that, making him lifeless.

"Jungkook? Oh boy I heard that Jin was seriously hurt.",Yoongi and Jimin came running since Jungkook had texted him on the way.

"Get a grip on yourself Jungkook. You need to stay strong. Or else Jin will get hurt more, please",Yoongi made his friend to stand up who was so weak and vulnerable right now

Jimin also started to cry, to be honest he was crying already all his way to the hospital.

"Yoongi?",Jungkook stood up weakly, looking at Yoongi

"Come on you are an alpha. You're strongest being. You can't be like this."

"Even strongest being can get scared like this if his most precious thing is in danger Yoongi. I'm so freaking scared. I cant be strong. I just cant",Jungkook nearly fell down on ground again but Yoongi was fast to grab his friend and kept him on the chair nearby. Jungkook finally took a deep breath and ran his hand though his hair in frustation.

"This is all my fault yoongi. All my fault. I shouldnt have left him alone. I was so reckless, how can I leave him alone in this kind of situation? Its all because of me."

"Yaah  dont blame yourself and just hope his operation goes well."

"What will I do? What will I do if anything happens to him? What will I do Yoongi? I dont know..I'm so scared",Jungkook bited his lips to control his tears which wasnt just stopping

"Relax. Everything will be okay",Yoongi patted his back

Jungkook didnt have slighest idea that whatever happened to Jin was because of that evil girl. He was really blaming himself for this.

"Whenever I try to make him happy, whenever I try to give him everything. I end up hurting him always. I always mad him cry, I always hurt him, even now because of me.... All because of me. Why it has to be him? Why? "

"I said stop it Jungkook",Yoongi tried to stand up but someone just called Jungkook making Jungkook to stand up fast. It was the doctor.

"Doctor-nim. Is everything ok? Jin is okay right? Huh? Tell me that you saved him.. please",Jungkook holded doctor's hand and kept on questioning him

"Mr. Jeon actually",doctor nervously fixed his glasses 

"What? Actually what doctor-nim?"

"Actually, we need your decision right now since he is your mate and you only have rights to take decision over him"

"Decision?",Jungkook raised his eyebrows at him

"Its.. its just that you..",doctor took his hand away from Jungkook to make Jungkook more scared than he already was

"Actually You need to choose between whom to save, Mr. Jeon"


"Jin or the babies? Whom will you save?"

"What the hell are you saying?",Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows more

"Its either Jin or the babies"

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