Jin is hurt

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"Jin baby please get up, you really need to eat. You are like this for a whole day. Think about pups,think about what they might be feeling right now sensing your sadness and tears. They might be sick inside feeling hurt. Please get up", Jin's mother tried to convince Jin once again since Jin was ignoring everyone and covering himself inside blanket crying alone not talking to anyone after getting to know Jungkook abandoned him and his babies for a company. What was he expecting? That Jungkook will ever  chose him over something like that? He wasnt even worth of some 10 million dollars for him. What was he thinking that he will leave everything behind and comeback for him? He felt so miserable, so hurt. His alpha left him behind, he left him hurt when he was going to be father soon, phase where he needed Jungkook the most.

More than that, he felt so hurt that he was actually developing feelings for his mate. He knew it was wrong even though he couldnt just control his feelings for the man after he started to take care of him out of blue, giving him butterflies everytime. His heart fluttered everytime when Jungkook used to be near him, Jin unknowingly used to stare Jungkook for so long. And he knew it was just a beginning of it, before it gets any worst he ran away, ran away cause he didnt want his feelings to deepen even more so that at the end he couldnt feel hurt and broken again. He believed that Jungkook was taking care of him just because he thought he was responsible for his condition, he thought he was just taking responsibilites for Jin. So before he gets habituate of Jungkook anymore, he ran away cause he was really scared.

But once again Jungkook came in his life finding him. Jin really thought this time Jungkook wants to be with him forever. But he was so wrong. He was so hurt that Jungkook doesnt feel the same way as him. He wants to die right now but couldnt even dare to kill himself because he have two lives with him. Even though he was feeling so hurt right now that he wasnt even considering his babies health.

"Pups? Dont give me excuses of them anymore. My heart cant be heal if you do so. Go away. Please leave me alone",Jin said between sobs from inside the blanket. He sounded so broke that his mother was in a verse of crying too

"Baby please dont be like this. Doing this to yourself wont make your mate comeback. He is gone and he doesnt care even if you torture yourself like this. Move on baby please"

"This isnt about Jungkook. I dont want him to comeback and see me for what i'm going through. Its nothing about him mom",Jin got up angrily just by listening to Jungkook's name

"Please I dont want to listen his name from now on. Jungkook this, Jungkook that, Jungkook Jungkook ....Jungkook  everytime..I'm so sick of listening his name. Its hard for me, really hard for me. I'm trying to forget about him so please stop talking about him. Even in a bad way please stop talking about him",Jin screamed and broke down into tears hugging himself

"I'm sorry Jinnie. I'm really sorry.", Mrs. Kim ran and hugged his son who was clutching his blanket tight as he struggles to produce less sound from crying.

"I wont talk about him anymore. I promise. But please Jinie baby think about pups. They are crying along with you. Please dont hurt them. Its not their fault",she patted his hair and this time he opened his eyes and left his blanket

"Fine. Hurting myself doesnt change anything. I'll just move on, dont worry momma I moved on so fast when ken betrayed me so I'll be fine soon once again. Dont mind me anymore, dont hurt yourself seeing me. Also I'm sorry for raising my voice. ",Jin hugged her back

"Its ok baby. Lets eat then?", she removed the hug and cupped his cheeks instead,"aigoo.. you look so pale. Please come out already now"

"Ok",Jin smiled still tears making out its way and that fucking break his mother's heart so much.

Jin and his mom was sitting on living room, Jin ate forcefully even if he didnt have appetite,just for the babies. His father remained silent not wanting to hurt his already vulnerable child. Jin silently sat without speaking a word so his mom was starting to get worried seeing Jin lost in his own thoughts.

"How about we watch T.V together. Woah it has been ages since we watched a movie together. Lets watch some comedy movies, Jin's Appa come here sit beside Jin so that we watch it together",her mother was trying hard to uplift his mood

"Really? I know some nice movies.. should I play it?", his father also came jumping and sat beside Jin. Jin didnt give any reaction to them and just watched them.

"Here I play",Mr. Kim played the T.V and first thing they saw on T.V was Jungkook's face on it. Jin straigtened  his back little after seeing Jungkook on screen so suddenly. It was the news channel and they were talking about some Jeon company and all.

"Yaah.. change it",Jin's mom pinched Jin's father from back showing him deadly eyes

"Ah?yeah yeah",he tried to change the channel but remote was just not working and Jin was staring at the T.V more and more

"This shit..",he hit the remote with his hand trying to change it as soon as possible

"Appa",Jin called him suddenly making both of them startle

"Yeah son? Sorry appa will just off this damn old tv-

"Dont",Jin uttered almost unclear


"Dont change it. I want to listen what it is about"

"Huh? But", Jin didnt listen to them and just listened to the news

"Why does Jungkook have to be thrown out from his company when its his?",Jin furrowed his eyebrows this time

"What are you saying Jin? Tell me in a language I understand"

"Look at there",Jin pointed at the tv

"They are talking about dismissal of Jungkook. Didnt you just listen there? Appa it says that Jungkook denied to marry someone so he is going to be kicked out from his own company",Jin tried to stand up suddenly but he failed and he was being pulled back again to his place because of his big belly

"Yaah..take it slowly",His father and mom helped him to get up

"What does that even mean?",they all now listened to the news carefully

Everyone was shock that today Jungkook was going to get dismissed from his postion when they thought he had already abandoned Jin for the company. Even he was no longer gonna be heir of Jeon Enterprises after that. They were going to held a press conference in 3 hours where Jungkook was going be kicked out from his company legally.

"He didnt chose company over you Jin. It freaking says he denied to marry according to the will of his father so he is going to get kicked out. He chosed you Jin omg. Omg omg omg... I'm so happy .. now stop crying please, he didnt abandon you and the babies. He really give up a whole company also to be the heir, just for you. He didnt leave you. Omg its so.. so emotional that I wanna cry",his mom hugged him in happiness jumping on her feet but despite of that Jin wasnt smiling at all. He wasnt happy, he wasnt happy with it at all. He was still staring at the tv blankly

"Why should he give up his company?",Jin spoke in low voice making everyone cofused


"Why should he give up his company when it was him who build that company to this big? Momma I have seen him closely, I have seen him work like a mad dog, his dedications towards his company is bigger than anyone else. I dont know what his father is upto, I dont know what kind of relation they have but this is wrong. This is so wrong",Jin tried to walk away

"What are you saying? Where are you even going?",his mother grabbed his wrist stopping him

"You said he chosed me over company right? Yes, I'm happy for that but more than that I'll regret it forever if I'll let Jungkook to lose his company just because of me. I'll not be able to be happy at all knowing that I took something important from him in return to stay with me. I will be sad, perhaps guilty for whole life that I was the reason I destroyed dream of someone I love",Jin shaked his hand away from her

"I know but...where are you going right now?"

"To where Jungkook is"

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