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"Mamaa...appaaa...",Jin yelled with tears in his eyes as he sees his mom and dad from far scanning at him.

"Is that Jin?",Jin's mom looks at Jin's father in confusion. His father becomes equally confused as he sees the man who looks like his son but also pregnant?

"Mom.. its me Jin",Jin tried to run wanting to hug them but he just couldnt because of his big belly. He slowly came near them and they  finally became sure that it was indeed their son.

"Omo baby why are you here? Omg what.. oh my god what what what? Jin're pregnant? Did you already get married with ken? But why didnt you invite us? Mom is sad now. When did it happen?", Mrs. Kim ran and hugged his son as small tears of happiness escaped from her eyes.

"Momaa.. it's..nothing like that..I..its not ken..",Jin broke down into tears as soon as his mother hugged him so warmly. He didnt know he was missing this so much until she hugged her so tight. It was the safest place for him, his mother's hug.

"What do you mean by it isnt ken? If not ken then whose pups are those? Wait? Did you cheat on ken? We never raised you like that Jin, you dont know how much we trusted you and gave your hands to ken and yet-

Jin's father wasn't stopping as he was shocked with the situation.

"Stop it. Let him explain it by himself. Dont you see how vulnerable my baby is right now. ",Mrs. Kim shouted as Jin clinged over her when his father started to question him.

"Fine. Better you explain it to us"

After a long conversation, three of them remained silent not knowing what to say anymore, his mom and dad were going through the same thing again and again processing the situation. They were shock to listen for what happened to his precious child when they thought they entrusted him to someone reliable. They felt sorry, and heartbroken for their son but also they didnt know what to do now. They cant bear to see him as a single dad with no mate, it was the cruelest thing for someone to live without his mate cause once mated they were reffered as one and they need eachother by their side for everything, almost everything.

No one speaked, only Jin's little sobs that filled the room. Mr. Kim finally stoodup keeping his both hands on his waist on frustation.

"I trusted ken so much and gave you to him. But at the end he just showed his true colors? I know how you might be feeling right now but i'm very sorry to say but now you've to live your life as a rejected mate. I know its painful but you said the one who mated you is some werewolf alpha? As you see We are no match to fight against him, we are weak on the top of that no one cares if son of a farmers gets abused,raped or even killed. So just live with us for the rest of your life and never see him again. He might not be able to find you here, its far away from the city, he will never find you here in the country side"

"But.. its true that he raped me and mated me forcefully but.. he ..he was good to me after that.. he cared me till now.. even he said sorry and asked for a chance. He even did all my works, cooked for me, walked with me, took care of me when I was sick. He used to cancel all his works just to be near with me, so that he can protect me. I know he did wrong to me but atlast He genuinely cared for me-"

"Baby?",Jin's moms watch in horror as he sees his son trying to defend his mate,"this is wrong",she whispered under his breath as she sees Jin eyes shining bright when he describes about the man

"Whatever. He might have taken care of you till now but that doesnt mean he will forever. Its just because of his hormones acting up in emotion when his pups are inside you. His human can never accept you. And dont tell me you too can accept him as your mate??",Mr.Kim raised his eyebrows making Jin silent back again

"Enough. Honey you go inside. I need to talk to my son alone",Mrs. Kim pushed him away to talk to Jin alone. He didnt response but just went inside as she ordered. And she got chance to speak.

"Baby. Can you be more honest with your mom? You know that I love you right? and I'll support you whatever your decision is. But I feel something's off about it Jinnie. Why did you run away now when he said you can go after your delivery? Also you said he was good to you then why did you run away when you know your pups need their appa? Why did you risk your life along with your babies? I dont mean that you did wrong coming here or we feel burden to keep you.. please dont get me wrong its just"

"No. I understand",Jin spoke softly as he hugged his knees to the chest cuddling into a small ball.

"Whats it Jinnie? Tell me?"

Jin just cuddled himself more digging his head  completly inside,"I..I dont know",he spoke more softly

"you know it"

"No I don't",Jin started to cry

What do you think that Jin must be hiding something? Like what?

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